ICE PACK Penganti Es Batu

ICE PACK Penganti Es Batu

ICE PACK Penganti Es Batu

Dan kini, kami juga memproduksi produk reuseable cooling dispenser sejenis PENDINGIN PENGGANTI ES BATU / Ice pack yang dapat di gunakan berulang-ulang selama lebih dari satu tahun. produk ini kami namakan “ICE PACK
Ice Pack adalah Ice pack diformulasikan secara khusus dari bahan ramah lingkungan berbasis polyurethane berbeda dengan Ice pack yang sudah ada sebelumnya yang berbahan baku Jelly dan dan air serta bahan lain yang hanya mengandalkan pencapaian suhu extra rendah tetapi rentan terhadap pengaruh suhu luar yang menyebabkan Ice pack type ini lebih cepat mencair. Untuk pembekuan yang lebih cepat & pencairan yang lama (menyimpan dingin lebih lama) hingga lebih dari 30 jam dalam cool box.

Proses pembekuan pada -5 s/ d -20 derajat Celcius selama 4 – 10 jam dalam freezer rumah tangga biasa, -20 s/ d -40 derajat celcius pada Freezer industri.

Proses pencairan hingga lebih dari 30 jam dalam cool box.
Pada container non cool box 7 – 10 jam (tergantung suhu luar) saat cair suhu -5 s/ d -10 derajat.

“ICE PACK” 700 ml ukuran 19x14x3.5 sangat ekonomis untuk industri kecil makanan / minuman segar, ice cream, ikan, susu segar, ayam segar, rumah makan seafood dll
kami merekomendasikannya juga untuk pengiriman makanan beku jarak jauh. sebagai pengganti es batu / dry es untuk kebutuhan Rumah tangga, Industri Kecil dan besar,

“ICE PACK” dapat dipakai berulang-ulang selama lebih dari 1 tahun hingga mampu menekan biaya pembelian es batu/ Dry ice.

Karakter “ICE PACK” yang specifik memungkinkan Ice pack ini membeku dengan cepat dalam Freezer Rumah tangga, sehingga sangat efisien untuk penggunaan berulang yang membutuhkan ice pack yang cepat membeku

“ICE PACK” ternyata juga dapat digunakan sebagai Water Chiller (penyejuk / pendingin air) untuk industri Rumah Potong Hewan sebagai penghambat perkembang biakan micro-organisme yang dapat menimbulkan pembusukan / bau yang tidak sedap


Ice pack generasi baru adalah material alternative pengganti es batu dan es kering dengan berbagai macam manfaat dan kegunaan diantaranya adalah:

  1. Menempatkan satu lempeng dalam lemari es biasa akan memberikan suhu tambahan hingga minus 20ºC sehingga mampu membuat es batu lebih cepat, hemat energi karena penalaan suhu kulkas anda bisa lebih kecil maka kulkas akan lebih awet.
  2. Menempatkan satu lempeng  dalam lemari es mobil anda dapat mempertahan suhu minuman & makanan anda selama kendaraan tidak dijalankan dimalam hari.
  3. Menempatkan 4 lempeng  dalam cooler box 40 liter dapat mempertahankan suhu Ice cream selama minimal 12 jam perjalanan delivery.
  4. Membuat hamparan   pada cool storage ikan beku dan udang di membuat ikan tetap beku tanpa paparan air seperti penggunaan es batu pada umumnya.
  5. Membuat hamparan  pada cool storage Ice cream, sayuran, buah – buahan dan minuman segar di membuat kinerja cool storage menjadi maksimal dan hemat energi.
  6. Menempatkan beberapa lempeng  dalam cold storage dapat membantu menurunkan suhu rendah menjadi extra rendah sehingga investasi anda lebih hemat dibandingkan memakai cold storage extra rendah begitu pula untuk mobiling cold storage.
  7. Untuk unit unit cool box pedagang keliling, asongan minuman dan makanan dingin, Ice Cream dll,  yang re-useable sangat effective karena tidak perlu lagi membeli es batu setiap hari, maka akan menghemat hingga 70%.
  8. Laboratorium dan Rumah sakit dapat menggunakan  untuk kebutuhan stabilisator suhu obat obatan baik untuk delivery dan penyimpanan.
  9. Optimalisasi cold storage pada kapal penangkapan ikan laut dan pengiriman benur udang sebagai pengganti es batu dan Tempat Pelelangan Ikan segar didaerah pantai.
  10. Inovasi Fan atau kipas angin menjadi Air Conditioner (AC) yang ramah lingkungan dan tidak lembab seperti keluaran sebelumnya yang menggunakan air dingin.


  1. Indutri Makanan dan minuman beku.
  2. Perusahaan Jasa pengiriman makanan beku.
  3. Industri Perikanan & Udang
  4. Department store
  5. Rumah tangga
  6. Kendaraan bermotor, kapal laut, penangkapan ikan.
  7. Piknik dan berkemah


Tersedia juga ukuran  ukuran 14×14×3cm

Soal harga (update per Mei 2014)

  • “ICE PACK”  ukuran 30×22×3cm @ Rp.125.000,-

  • “ICE PACK”  ukuran 20×8×3cm @Rp.85.000,-

  • “ICE PACK” 700 ml ukuran 15×20×3cm@Rp.95.000,-

    Kami distributor alat kesehatan yang menjual ice pack/ cool pack, yang bermanfaat untuk menjaga kualitas bahan atau material dalam transportasi ke tempat tujuan, tersedia dalam tipe atau ukuran :SPESIFIKASI ICE PACK/ COOLPACK
    Type : B
    Kemasan : Botol plastik plate/ Pipih ( 0.4 cm)
    Dimensi : 20 x 8 x 3 cm
    Berat : 500 gr
    Warna gel : Biru
    Aplikasi suhu : -8° C s/ d -40° C*
    * Pembekuannya menggunakan jenis chest freezer atau LTU
    Daya tahan : ± 12 jam dalam Styrofoam box type low
    * Untuk coolerbag/ coolbox sesuai spesifikasi lapisan insulinnya
    Aplikasi produk : Ice cream, Ice cake, frozen food, dll
    tidak cocok untuk vaksin, reagen

    Type : C
    Kemasan : Botol plastik plate/ Pipih ( 0.4 cm)
    Dimensi : 30 x 23 x 3 cm
    Berat : 2000 gr
    Warna gel : Biru
    Aplikasi suhu : -8° C s/ d -40° C*
    * Pembekuannya menggunakan jenis chest freezer atau LTU
    Daya tahan : ± 12 jam dalam Styrofoam box type low
    * Untuk coolerbag/ coolbox sesuai spesifikasi lapisan insulinnya
    Aplikasi produk : Ice cream, Ice cake, Frozen food, dll
    Tidak cocok untuk vaksin, reagen
  • Type : A
    Kemasan : Botol plastik plate/ Pipih ( 0.4 cm)
    Dimensi : 18 x 12 x 2.5 cm
    Berat : 500 gr
    Warna gel : Bening/ transparant
    Aplikasi suhu : -8° C s/ d + 8° C
    Daya tahan : ± 12 jam dalam Styrofoam box type low
    * Untuk coolerbag/ coolbox sesuai spesifikasi lapisan insulinnya
    Aplikasi produk : Vaksin, Reagen, ASI, Susu, Ice cream, yohgurt, buah, seafood, dll

Harga sewaktu2 dapat berubah…

Semoga bermanfaat

Silahkan Hub kami

Samudra Wibowo 081519220879   081213957819    02198621531

Suzuki Thunder 125 Japsstyle

Suzuki Thunder 125 Japsstyle

Inilah penampakan Suzuki thunder keluaran 2007 yang dimodifikasi ala japsstyle. Motor punya om niko ini merombak total bodinya mulai tangki bensi, jok dan ban depan belakang namun dapurpacunya tetap tanpa rombakan. Motor yang dimodifikasi ala Japsstyle ini dibuat di bekel kecil di Mustikajaya Kota Bekasi tepatnya Bengkel Rivai dekat kantor kecamatan Mustikajaya. Meskipun Bengkel ini kecil namun sudah ratusan motor yang diubah jadi japstyle, bomber, scrambler, caferacer semua tergantung permintaan ridernya.. berminat ni no HP bang Rivai 081908111711. Soal biaya bisa di nego langsung gan.. yang jelas “ono rego ono rupo” . Berikut reportase terhadap motor kerenn ini


Motor ini terinpirasi oleh model japsstyle yang lagi booming beberapa tahun belakangan ini. Ini merupakan motor kesekian kalinya yang dibuat oleh bengkel tersebut.

Motor ini dilakukan perubahan hingga 50 persen dari keseluruhan bodi sehingga aura Thunder tidak akan dikenali. Jelas saja tangki bensin yang dipakai jenis tangki honda XL, jok nya pake jok roti tawar, dan bannya pakai ban swallow 212 ukuran 4 ring 18 alias pakai velg aslinya thunder 125. Dengan memakai knalpot KLX 150S tampilan buritan menjadi berotot. Dibagian dashboard tampil speedometer mini ditambah indikator gear asli punya thunder 125 yang dicustom dengan menghilangkan bagian takometer dan speedometer aslinya, sebuah ubahan minimalis dengan hasil maximal.




Untuk lebih jelasnya apa saja yang diganti untuk mengubah Thunder menjadi Japsstyle ini silahkan lihat list dibawah ini beserta kisaran harganya:

  1. Lampu depan variasi harga kisaran Rp. 100 ribu
  2. Lampu sein sepasang depan belakang harga kisaran 100 ribu
  3. Lampu belakang japstyle punya yamaha byson harga 80 ribu
  4. Ban depan belakang seharga 350 ribu/ban ( swallow 212 ukuran 400 – 18″ )
  5. Knalpot KLX variasi japstyle seharga 350 ribu
  6. Pembuatan Sasis plus, tengki, slebor depan belakang seharga 1,2 jt.
  7. Spedometer variasi seharga 70ribu
  8. Jok habis sekitar 180 ribu.

Semua printhilan diatas dibuat dan dirakit dalam kurun waktu 2 minggu sehingga jadilah Thunder modif Japsstyle biru yang ganteng ini….



Serombongan tamu, dari kicau mania Tegal datang ke rumah. “Pak Syam terus terang saya baru kali ini melihat burung Jalak Bali secara langsung. Biasanya hanya lihat gambarnya saja di internet”, tuturnya dengan sungguh-sungguh. Saya hanya senyum-senyum saja, mendengar penuturan jujurnya tersebut.
zJALAK - Copy
Di lain waktu seorang tamu dari Solo juga mengucapkan hal yang sama. Beberapa bulan yang lalu datang serombongan tamu dari Semarang. Sang komandan rombongan yang kebetulan bekerja di Manado (seorang pejabat eselon tiga di Kementerian Keuangan) juga menuturkan hal yang sama. Ketika pertama kali saya membawa burung Jalak Bali ke Jakarta, sesampainya di Tanah Abang malah jadi tontonan banyak orang. Mayoritas mereka mengaku baru pertama kali ini melihat burung Jalak Bali secara langsung. Ooo . . .ini bang yang namanya burung Jalak Bali ? Mungkin begitu tanya hati mereka he . . .he . . .he . . . Dan masih banyak cerita serupa. Saya hanya senyum-senyum saja mendengar penuturan para tamu itu. Kok senyum-senyum ? Saya tersenyum karena dalam hati diam-diam saya juga mengakui hal yang sama. “Sama Pak, saya dulu waktu belum punya burung Jalak Bali ini, tahunya juga gambarnya saja” begitu bisik hatiku. Waktu itu saya mengira bahwa burung Jalak Bali itu burung yang “WOUW . . .!” Bagaimana tidak . . . . wong burung Jalak Bali itu burung dilindungi Undang-Undang, sehingga tidak sembarang orang bisa membelinya.
Terus jumlah mereka di alam tinggal sak ndulit alias sedikit banget. Bahkan konon di Taman Nasional Bali Barat yang merupakan proyek pemerintah dalam menjaga kekayaan hayati yang sangat dibanggakan dunia ini, perkembangbiakan burung Jalak Bali di sana sangat lambat. Terus di samping itu organisasi perburungan dunia yaitu CITES juga memasukkan burung Jalak Bali dalam daftar burung yang sangat diawasi perdagangannya.
Dengan sederetan fakta seperti itu maka lumrah kalau saya mengira bahwa burung Jalak Bali adalah burung yang “WOUW” sehingga harganya mesti WOUW dan yang bisa mengoleksinya hanyalah ORANG-ORANG WOUW. Yang bisa memiliki hanyalah para penghobi burung yang berprofesi sebagai pengusaha besar, pejabat tinggi dan orang-orang wouw lainnya. Waktu itu saya berfikiran seperti itu. Tapi sekarang fikiran itu berbalik seratus delapan puluh derajat. Benar burung Jalak Bali itu memang langka, memang dilindungi Undang-Undang, memang dilindungi badan perburungan dunia (CITES) namun dari sisi harga ternyata tidak mahal-mahal amat. Dari cara membelinya juga tidak sulit-sulit amat. Bener lo . . .
Sekarang jika penjenengan kepingin membeli burung Jalak Bali ?
Gampang . . . . . . Gampang banget . . . . . . Kepingin banget . . . sampai ngebet . . . tapi takut harganya mahal ? Gak perlu takut harga . . . . . . Wong saya saja jual burung Jalak Bali dengan harga nDeso kok . . . . . .
Memang setahunan yang yang lalu waktu saya membeli anakan jalak bali umur sekitar 2-3 bulan harga perpasang Rp. 11,5 juta. Terus saya beli yang usia dewasa sepasang Rp. 25 juta. Itupun karena saya membeli melalui perantara teman yang kenal dengan si penjual burung Jalak Bali tersebut. Itung-itung sudah didiskonlah . . . sehingga ketemu harga segitu.
Tapi sekarang (Mei 2014) ini harga murah. Ini mungkin akan terus bertahan sampai lebaran Agustus 2014 nanti. Karena biasanya menjelang lebaran peminat burung agak turun. Alasannya karena ribet kalau ditinggal mudik. Maka menjelang puasa ramadhan biasanya pasaran burung agak sepi peminat sehingga harga burung cenderung rendah. Di bulan ini saya sengaja menjual burung Jalak Bali hasil tangkaran saya dengan harga batas bawah.
Harga batas bawah, apa itu ? Inget waktu naik taksi, kan ada to taksi yang memasang tarip di batas bawah ? Sebagai penangkar burung Jalak Bali nDeso saya mencontoh pak supir taksi. Tapi walaupun harganya saya pasang pada tarip bawah tapi bukan berarti mengesampingkan kulaitas lo. Kualitas ya tetap bagus.
Karena kualitas itu penting, dia nomor satu. Burung lemu-lemu, sehat-sehat dan lincah-lincah . . . itu tanda-tanda burung Jalak Bali yang bagus. Nanti pasca lebaran mungkin akan berubah ke tarif tengah atau bahkan naik ke tarif atas. Tergantung kondisi pasar. Burung kami statusnya LEGAL, status burung itu penting buaaangeeettt . . .lo. Status burung bagi kami, menjadi harga mati.
Karena itu status burung WAJIB legal. Karena burung Jalak Bali merupakan salah satu spesies burung asli Indonesia yang telah dilindungi oleh UU maupun peraturan dunia terkait dengan pelestarian burung, kalau sampai burungnya bodong, itu bisa berabe . . .
Caranya beli Om ?
Gampang . . .kontak saja :
pak Syam di HP. 087877486516 atau bbm saja Pin bb 25D600E9.
Harga burung harga pas kok. Kayak beli sayur itu lo.
Pilih sayurnya, setelah itu bayar trus sayur dibawa pulang. Beres deh . . .
Cara pembayarannya ? Gampang . . . coro nDeso saja . . .ya kayak orang beli sayur itu tadi . . . Ada burung ada uang.
Artinya burung dianter sampai ditempat, setelah penjenengan menerima burungnya silakan dibayar dengan cara mentransfer uang sesuai harga yang telah kita sepakati. Lo burung di anter sampai di alamat pembeli to ? Nggak pakai jasa pengiriman to ? Weleh . . .weleh . . .
Sebenarnya saya paling demen kalau penjenengan datang langsung ke penangkaran kami di Klaten Jawa Tengah ini. Atau menengok di tempat kami di Pejompongan Jakarta pusat. Tepatnya di Jl. Penjernihan I No. 36 Pejompongan Tanah Abang Jakarta Pusat. Persis di sebelahnya SPBU Pejompongan Tanah Abang Jakpus. Cuma kalau yang di Pejompongan ini tidak selalu ada stok burungnya, karena disini sifatnya hanya penampungan untuk transit dalam rangka pengiriman ke konsumen.
Di samping itu harinya juga pas hari kerja, Hari Senin sampai Jum’at. Kalau Hari Sabtu dan Ahad dan hari-hari besar kami juga libur. Tapi kalau penjenengan tidak bisa datang ke Klaten atau ke Pejompongan, terpaksa deh dikirim pakai jasa pengiriman hewan. Tapi kadang-kadang saya tidak tega, maka saya ngalahi cari kurir untuk nganter sampai ke alamat pembeli.
Jika kebetulan saya punya waktu untuk nganter sendiri, biasanya saya sempatkan untuk BLUSUKAN ke kandang si burung cantik ini. Hal ini saya lakukan terutama jika konsumen tersebut membeli burung Jalak Bali dengan tujuan untuk ditangkarkan. Karena desain burung untuk ditangkar berbeda dengan burung yang sekedar difungsikan sebagai satwa hiburan. Desain kandang penangkaran harus mampu membuat burung enjoy dalam kandang layaknya burung di alam. Dan sepanjang pengalaman saya ternyata banyak juga calon penangkar yang belum tahu desain kandang yang cocok buat penangkaran.
Memang bagi yang sudah berpengalaman mendesain kandang penangkaran itu adalah hal yang sederhana alias gampang banget. Namun hal ini tidak berlaku bagi yang belum berpengalaman. Makanya ketika saya kebetulan punya waktu mengantarkan sendiri burung pesanan konsumen dan lokasinya juga tidak terlalu jauh dari Jawa Tengah, saya selalu meminta ijin untuk BLUSUKAN ke lokasi kandang.
Siapa tahu sedikit pengetahuan dan pengalaman saya bisa saya tularkan kepada mereka. Begituuu . . . . .
Terus kapan pembayaran burung dilakukan ? Santai saja. Buat saya yang penting saling percaya, bahwa kita sama-sama orang yang JUJUR. Modal utama kita dalam transaksi ini adalah KEJUJURAN kita masing-masing. Saya percaya sama penjenengan, dan penjenengan juga percaya sama saya, maka segalanya akan lancar, insya Allah. Kepercayaan telah memudahkan separoh dari transaksi kita. Kepercayaan ini hanya perlu penjenengan buktikan dengan memberikan UANG TANDA JADI sebesar Lima Ratus Ribu Rupiah saja.
Tanda jadi ini tidak terpengaruh harga atau usia burung. Berapapun harga yang kita sepakati penjenengan hanya perlu memberikan tanda jadi dengan cara mentransfer uang sebesar Lima Ratus Ribu Rupiah ke rekening BRI No. 0035-01-032400-50-6 a.n. Darmini Setyo Pinurbo untuk setiap pasang burung yang penjenengan pesan.
JANGAN KHAWATIR ! TANDA JADI INI TIDAK AKAN HILANG, KARENA TANDA JADI INI AKAN SAYA KOMPENSASIKAN DALAM PELUNASANNYA NANTI Tanda jadi ini penting untuk memberikan kepercayaan kepada saya bahwa penjenengan positif membeli burung jalak bali saya. Karena pernah ada pengalaman waktu saya nganter pesanan burung ke Jakarta. Terus saat mau nganter ke alamat yang ditunjukkan oleh calon pembeli ternyata ALAMAT PALSU alias BODONG, terus HP-nya tidak aktif lagi.
Padahal burung sudah jauh-jauh saya bawa dari Klaten ke Jakarta. Tentu ini tidak baik to ? Maka kepastian bahwa penjenengan positif membeli, itu penting bagi kami, dan kesungguhan bahwa penjenengan akan membeli bisa penjenengan buktikan dengan mentransfer tanda jadi sebesar Lima Ratus Ribu Rupiah tersebut.

penangkar ndeso

Setelah tanda jadi kami terima, terus burung kami kirim ke alamat penjenengan. Setelah burung sampai ke tangan panjenengan terus panjenengan tinggal melunasi kekurangannya dengan mentransfernya ke rekening BRI No. 0035-01-032400-50-6 a.n. Darmini Setyo Pinurbo lagi. Transfernya sebesar harga burung DIKURANGI Lima Ratus Ribu Rupiah. Setelah itu kami minta bukti transfernya. Selesai . . .
Gampang to ? Dan menurut saya ini cara paling aman bertransaksi di pasar online.
Ok ! Lah . . . untuk pembeli dari luar pulau apa burung juga di anter sampai ke alamat ? Kalau yang ini terpaksa memakai jasa kargo. Karena saya belum mampu berenang menyeberangi Laut Jawa he . . . he . . . he . . . ndak enak sama ikan hiu di sana, juga kadang geli sama ikan lumba-lumba . . .he . . .he Hanya saja cara pembayarannya memang beda. Kalau luar pulau Anda mesti MELUNASI DULU baru setelah lunas burung kami kirim ke alamat anda.
Rekeningnya ? Rekeningnya sama seperti di atas yaitu rekening BRI No. 0035-01-032400-50-6 a.n. Darmini Setyo Pinurbo. Ingat ya tidak ada rekening lain kecuali yang telah saya cantumkan di atas. Dan tidak ada transaksi kecuali sebelumnya telah ada komunikasi dengan saya. Ini penting untuk menghindari penipuan. Semoga Allah memudahkan urusan kita dan memberkahi hidup kita. Aamiinn . . .

Sumber :


Driving : Menjadi Driver atau Passenger ?

Driving : Menjadi Driver atau Passenger ?

JAKARTA – Pertumbuhan kelas menengah dan besarnya gelombang tenaga kerja baru adalah kesempatan besar bagi Indonesia. Sebentar lagi, merekalah yang akan memegang tampuk kepemimpinan dan membawa Indonesia bersaing dalam pasar bebas. Celakanya hingga saat ini, kebanyakan dari mereka masih terbelenggu orang tua, lingkungan, mitos, dan dirinya sendiri.

Gejala tersebut rupanya ditangkap dengan jeli oleh penulis, pengajar, dan praktisi manajemen, Rhenald Kasali. September ini, Rhenald kembali meluncurkan buku motivasi berjudul “Self Driving: Menjadi Driver atau Passenger?”

Buku ini bukan buku motivasi pertama Rhenald. Sebelumnya, dia juga sudah membuat buku-buku dalam genre yang sama, yaitu Recode Your Change DNA, Mutasi DNA Powerhouse, Myelin, Cracking Zone, Cracking Entrepreneurs, Cracking Values, Camera Branding, dan Let’s Change.

Kali ini, Rhenald memulai bukunya dengan elegan, tapi menusuk. “Jleb”, begitu cara saya membahasakannya. Dia mulai dengan kasus-kasus yang sempat diulas media, kemudian mengkritik hidup pembaca dengan cara yang santun.

Awalnya sederhana. Rhenald membangkitkan kesadaran pembaca bahwa masing-masing pembaca sebenarnya punya potensi yang luar biasa. Dia yakin, anak-anak Indonesia adalah “Rajawali yang terlanjur percaya bahwa dirinya hanya burung dara.”

Karena itu, anak-anak ini harus dilepas dari belenggu. Mereka sendiri bisa berusaha untuk berubah, dan melepaskan diri dari belenggu tersebut. Begitu juga orangtuanya. Para orangtua pun harus belajar untuk tidak membelenggu dirinya sendiri dan anak mereka.

Dalam bukunya, Rhenald mengenalkan konsep “self driving”. Baginya, “bangsa yang hebat adalah a driver nation.” (Rhenald, 2014: 7). Driver nation hanya bisa dihasilkan dari pribadi yang disebut “driver”. Dia sadar bahwa dialah mandataris kehidupan. Di sisi lain, pemimpinnya pun sadar bahwa dia mendapatkan mandat dari rakyat untuk melakukan perubahan.

Driver vs passenger

Rhenald membagi masyarakat Indonesia menjadi dua, mereka yang driver dan passenger. Idealnya, seseorang harus bermental driver agar bisa memimpin dirinya sendiri, kelompok, perusahaan, dan negara. Namun, rupanya negara ini penuh dengan orang-orang bermental passenger yang masih mengekor.

Selain itu, ada pula good driver, good passenger, dan bad driver, bad passenger. Orang-orang dalam kelompok bermental passenger, terlebih bad passenger, menurut Rhenald, telah mengalami pembentukan karakter yang buruk dalam hidupnya.

Akibatnya, seringkali kita temukan orang Indonesia tidak punya keseimbangan antara tutur kata dan tindakan. Ada luka batin yang membuat orang-orang ini cenderung menyakiti orang lain.

Selain “menyerang” tiap pribadi pembaca, Rhenald juga mengkritik berbagai fakta lain yang terjadi di Indonesia. Salah satunya, dia mengkritik sistem pendidikan Indonesia yang kaku dan seolah enggan berkembang. Dia juga secara vokal mengkritik kultur kerja di perusahaan-perusahaan dan pemerintahan.

Dibaca dengan jujur

Sembari menjelajah halaman demi halaman buku ini, Rhenald sukses membawa emosi pembaca. Dengan caranya sendiri, dia sukses membuat pembaca berkaca mengenai perjalanan hidup, perilaku, kebiasaan, dan luka-luka batin yang ada dalam diri pembaca.

Tidak hanya lewat pengalaman pribadi dan pandangannya, Rhenald juga menceritakan pengalaman hidup dari tokoh ternama. Mulai dari cerita TR, atau Theodore Roosevelt, hingga Gus Dur.

Tiap-tiap tokoh dipilih dengan apik dan cerdik oleh sang penulis. Cerita masing-masing tokoh pun disajikan gamblang, dan pesannya bisa dengan mudah dicerna oleh pembaca. Lewat tokoh-tokoh ini, pembaca bisa belajar, berkaca, bahkan menilai. Pembaca diberi kebebasan membuat penilaiannya sendiri dan mengasosiasikannya pada kehidupan pribadi.

Buku ini tidak hanya berisi rentetan kata dengan huruf yang saling berdempetan. Rhenald menggunakan tanda-tanda visual untuk memudahkan sekaligus menarik perhatian pembaca. Sesekali, dia juga menyisipkan foto dan ilustrasi.

Namun, semua yang disajikan penulis buku ini, efeknya berada di tangan Anda sendiri. Selama menjelajahi isi buku, Anda perlu menjadi pembaca yang jujur. Tidak semua orang punya mental tangguh dan sudah mampu menjadi “driver”. Di sinilah kerelaan Anda perlu berperan.

Mulailah jujur pada diri Anda sendiri, kemudian cobalah berubah menjadi passenger yang baik. Kemudian, latih diri Anda menjadi driver. Tidak mustahil, Anda akan jadi driver yang baik pula. Anda siap?

Judul buku: Self Driving: Menjadi Driver atau Passenger?

Peresensi: Tabita Diela

Penulis: Dr. Rhenald Kasali

Penerbit: Penerbit Mizan

Tahun: September 2014

Tebal: 272 halaman

Tabungan Properti : Ubah Minset, dari Cicilan Jadi Tabungan

Ubah Minset, dari Cicilan Jadi Tabungan

Majestic Point serpong tangerang

Memiliki aset properti, misalnya apartemen, rumah, atau tanah, selagi muda bukan hal mustàhil. Baik bagi yang sudah berkeluarga maupun lajang. Baru-baru ini muncul gerakan Muda Menabung Properti. Prinsipnya, mengalihkan dana simpanan untuk bidang properti
Tidak perlu menunggu tua dan mapan untuk memiliki properti. Harga properti yang menanjak setiap tahun menjadi alarm penyemangat untuk sesegera mungkin meraihnya. Itu sebenarnya tidak (terlalu) sulit. Jangan berkecil hati bila belum memiliki dana dalam jumlah besar yang cukup untuk membeli properti secara cash. Itu bisa diganti dengan cara menabung properti.
Profil gaya hidup di kota-kota besar, pengeluaran untuk bersenang-senang, shopping, atau hangout bersama teman cenderung besar. Misalnya, setiap weekend menghabiskan Rp 500 ribu—Rp 700 ribu, bahkan lebih. Sebulan dana yang bisa disisihkan Rp 2 juta-3 juta. Belum dari pos-pos lain yang bisa dihemat.

Bila ditabung secara konvensional, nilainya tidak bertambah banyak karena terkena inflasi. Dalam jangka lima atau sepuluh tahun mendatang, nilai uang tersebut justru turun cukup tinggi.
Berbeda halnya jika dana tersebut dialihkan untuk mengangsur properti. Bisa tanah, rumah, atau apartemen yang kini menjadi favorit kalangan muda, terutama di kota kota sibuk. Let’s say…. Dana Rp 3 jutaan bisa digunakan untuk mencicil apartemen. Banyak pula yang menawarkan down payment bisa diangsur selama kurun waktu tertentu dengan berbagai kemudahan.

Baru-baru ini muncul Gerakan Muda Menabung Properti. Pencetusnya, Marcellus Chandra. “Mengapa pakai istilah menabung? Sebab, kalau mencicil, terasa sebagai beban. Sedangkan dengan campaign menabung, lebih ringan. Ini perubahan mindset,” ujar Presdir PT Prioritas Land Indonesia (PLI) tersebut saat ditemui di kawasan Jakarta Barat pada Kamis (4/9).
Pria 35 tahun itu ingin mengajak generasi muda semakin awarness terhadap keuntungan sektor properti. “Pertumbuhan properti tigakali lipat dari pada tingkat inflasi. Bila dipersentase, kenaikannya bisa mencapai 20-25persen. Rata-rata dalam setahun 15-20 persen’ urainya.

Dalam tiga tahun belakangan, profil customer pun semakin muda. “Lebih ari 50 persen berusia kurang dan 35 tahun. Pasangan baru, profesional muda. Ada yang berusia 25-an, masih lajang, sudah mulal menabung properti lanjut pria asal Surabaya itu.
Yang tidak kalah menarik dicermati, peran perempuan sebagai decision maker. Baik yang sudah menikah maupun yang masih lajang. Pada perempuan lajang, kemandirian finansial menjadi alasan kuat untuk memiliki aset properti pribadi sebelummenikah. Ketika sudah menikah, bisa saling men-support dengan pasangan.
Menurut perencana keuangan Fauziah Arsiyanti SE MM ChFC, fenomena tersebut sangat menggembirakan. Awareness untuk berinvestasi sejak muda harus ditularkan kepada lingkungan sekitar. Kecenderungannya, bila melihat teman sudah mulai menabung properti, yang lain akan tergerak untuk mengikuti jejaknya.
Lantas, seberapa besar alokasi dana yang bisa ditabung ke properti? Independent financial advisor dari Fahima Advisory tersebut mengungkapkan, tidak selalu menggunakan persentase baku jumlah cicilan maksimal 30 persen dar pendapatan. “Breakdown dulu kebutuhan utama serta dana darurat. Apabila sanggup menyisihkan 50 persen untuk dialihkan untuk investasi properti, boleh saja. Asalkan, itu tidak mengganggu pos-pos main needs,” ujarnya.
Meski risiko investasi properti cenderung kecil, tetap harus dipertimbangkan banyak hal sebelum membuat keputusan. Di antaranya, lokasi serta kemudahan akses, developer menyangkut konsep dan struktur bangunan, perizinan, kepemilikan, dan fasilitas yang diberikan, serta prospek.
Mengenai pilihan untuk membeli tanah, rumah, atau apartemen, disesuaikan selera dan kebutuhan.
“Ada yang lebih suka tanah, ada yang memilih rumah, ada pula yang prefer apartemen. Kalau apartemen, sudah termasuk membeli suasana dan fasifitas yang melengkapi, misalnya taman, sport centre, dan tempat belanja,” papar Victor Irawan, komisaris PT PLI.
Dalam berinvestasi, sudah pasti prospek jangka panjang menjadi perhatian. “Bila ingin yang Iebih ringan, namun menguntungkan, pilih yang sedang tumbuh dengan prospek menjanjikan pada lima hingga sepuluh tahun mendatang tutumya.,%20dari%20Cicilan%20Jadi%20Tabungan&id_news=56

Ubah Minset, dari Cicilan Jadi Tabungan, Menabung properti, investasi properti, properti tangerang, properti

Awas, Tahun Depan Pekerjaanmu Bisa Direbut oleh Rekan Kerja dari Negara Asean

by Yodhia Antariksa @ Blog Strategi + Manajemen

managers reTahun depan atau 2015, kebijakan Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA) akan resmi berlaku. Kebijakan ini membuat perusahaan di sesama negara Asean BEBAS berbisnis di semua negara Asean. Bebas tanpa hambatan. Free competition.

Salah satu item dalam kebijakan itu adalah “Skilled Labor Free Flow” – artinya karyawan dari semua negara ASEAN bebas menyerbu bursa kerja di tanah air, dan sebaliknya.

Ada potensi, beragam high paid and high skills jobs di tanah air sukses direbut oleh rekan-rekan manajer dari negeri tetangga. Bahkan bisa membuat Anda kehilangan posisi – atau cukup kerja di posisi anak buah/staf hingga pensiun. Yang jadi bos, rekan-rekan manajer dari Singapore, Malaysia dan Thailand. Sedap.

Ya, aturan Skilled Labor Free Flow itu memang membuat semua pekerja trampil di seluruh negera Asean bebas bekerja dimanapun di Asean. Dokter, pengacara, dosen, hingga manajer-manajer perusahaan bebas pindah dan bekerja di seluruh negara ASEAN, tanpa hambatan, tanpa restriksi.

Manpower war. Free competition on human capital.

Ada kemungkinan, beragam posisi strategis di berbagai perusahaaan multi national companies di tanah air akan direbut oleh rekan-rekan manajer dari negara Asean. Sekarang mungkin sudah terjadi. Namun dengan kebijakan MEA 2015, maka fenomena itu akan makin tinggi intensitasnya.

Perusahaan-perusahaan di Indonesia mungkin tidak segan membayar gaji tinggi pada manajer ekspat dari Asean itu, sepanjang mereka punya skills mumpuni, bahasa Inggris yang fasih (go global), dan produktivitas kerja yang relatif lebih bagus.

Skilled labor free flow akan membuat perusahaan-perusahaan di tanah air – terutama yang big companies dan multi national companies – menjadi lebih mudah dan tanpa hambatan dalam merekrut manajer-manajer andal dari negara-negara Asean.

Akibatnya, ya itu tadi : sejumlah posisi strategis dan top positions akan makin “dikuasai” oleh ekspat Asean, dan membuat pilihan karir Anda menjadi lebih terbatas. Kenapa? Sebab posisi-posisi puncak sudah sukses di-invasi dan direbut oleh mereka.

Tentu saja kemungkinan sebaliknya bisa terjadi. Pekerja dan manajer trampil Indonesia sukses masuk dan mendapatkan pekerjaan hebat di berbagai negara di Asean.

Saat ini saja sudah banyak ahli IT, engineering, supply chain dan perminyakan dari Indonesia yang sukses merebut banyak pekerjaan bergaji tinggi di Singapore dan Malaysia.

Kebijakan MEA bisa membuat makin banyak skilled labors dari Indonesia yang pindah ke negara-negara Asean. Sebab proses mendapatkan pekerjaan di sesama negara Asean akan lebih mudah, tanpa hambatan (tentu sepanjang Anda punya skills yang layak dijual di level internasional, minimal level Asean).

Apa yang bisa membuat karyawan dan manajer kita bisa bersaing dengan rekan-rekan dari negara Asean? Agar kelak tidak terjadi : kita jadi jongos, dan mereka yang jadi bos di kantor kita?

Setidaknya ada dua langkah yang mungkin bisa dilakukan.

Step # 1 : Improve Your English Language Skills. Di era yang kian global ini, kecakapan bahasa Inggris mungkin harus menjadi skill yang kudu dikuasai, apalagi jika ingin bekerja di multi national companies atau di negara Asean.

Manajer dari Malaysia, Singapore dan Philipina sudah menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai everyday language. Itu kenapa mereka amat mudah menjadi “global manager” (terutama ekspat dari Philipina).

Kelak ketika kebijakan MEA berjalan, maka kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang lumayan fasih menjadi kian penting. Dalam Asean Free Market, bahasa Inggris akan menjadi bahasa komunikasi bisnis internasional.

So, improve your english skills today. Demi masa depan yang lebih cerah.

Step # 2 : Improve Your Functional Competency. Anda harus benar-benar jago dalam bidang pekerjaan yang Anda tekuni sekarang.

Kalau kerja di bidang HRD, Anda harus punya kompetensi human capital management kelas dunia. Kalau bidangmu marketing, Anda harus expert dalam bidang marketing, branding and digital marketing strategy. Dan kalau pekerjaanmu di bidang paranormal, ya ilmu per-dukunan-mu harus juga kelas dunia (dunia lain, maksudnya).

Bagaimana cara meningkatkan kompetensi secara konstan? Rajin baca buku, rajin ikut pelatihan/seminar, dan tentu saja tekun membaca blog-blog ilmu bisnis yang bermutu (ya benar, contohnya seperti yang sedang Anda baca ini).

Demikianlah, persaingan bebas karyawan dan manajer Asean sebentar lagi akan muncul.

Sudah banyak produk impor yang meyerbu tanah air (mulai dari apel, garam, gadget, tempe, mobil, baju hingga pil viagra).

Serbuan berikutnya bisa lebih mengerikan : ribuan karyawan dan manajer dari Asean akan kita import. Buat apa? Buat menggantikan kamu-kamu semua. Merebut pekerjaan dan karirmu.

Agar Anda semua tidak bisa menjadi tuan rumah di negeri sendiri. Namun jadi kelas karyawan rendahan di negeri sendiri.

Selamat bekerja, teman. Bersiaplah menanti serbuan karyawan dan manajer asing.

– See more at:

Peluang Usaha Bisnis Kuliner Makanan dan Minuman 2014

Peluang Usaha Bisnis Kuliner Makanan dan Minuman 2014

Bisnis Makanan dan Minuman Menarik (sumber gambar : gazetarepublika. al)
Jumpa lagi di blog nekatusaha edisi bulan februari 2014, artikel kali ini kami akan merefresh ulang mengenai beberapa peluang bisnis dan usaha dibidang kuliner (makanan dan minuman) yang pernah di singgung tahun lalu. Pelu dicermati bahwasanya kita mungkin sependapat bahwa bisnis usaha yang berkaitan dengan makanand an minuman selalu menjanjikan, Anda bisa lihat daerah sekitar Anda adimana para pengusaha kulner bisa jadi semakin hari semakin bertambah dan seakan-akan tiada habisnya. Itulah ciri khas bisnis di bidang kuliner, sebuah peluang usaha yang seakan tidak ada matinya karena memang merupakan sebuah bisnis yang selalu dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat luas.

Lalu apa saja sih sekiranya ide-ide usaha bisnis makanan dan minuman yang masih bisa kita lirik di tahun 2014 ini? bagaimana gambaran singkat mengenai beberapa bisnis tersebut? mari kita simak satu persatu mengenai usaha di bidang kuliner ini.
Bisnis Bubur Ayam Unik dan Menarik
Bagaimana sebuah bisnis bubur ayam dibilang unik dan menarik? sebelum membahas mengenai hal tersebut perlu kita awalai dengan gambaran umum mengenai bisnis usaha jualan bubur ayam ini. Bisa dibilang bahwa bubur ayam merupakan makanan khas orang Indonesia, sampai saat ini masih banyak yang menyantapnya, banyak sekali orang yang suka dengan bubur ayam. Lalu bagaimana memulainya? memiliki skill membuat bubur ayam adalah sangat penting, jika Anda tidak bisa maka Anda harus mencari pegawai atau partnet yang bisa membuatnya, ujicoba setiap resep perlu dikalikan, cari dan lakukan test dengan beberapa orang sekiranya mana yang paling enak dan lezat. Modal peralatan dan juga perlengkapan pendukung sangat perlu disini, apakah Anda akan berjualan di warung atau memakai gerobak sesuakan dengan bujet awal Anda.
Dalam bisnis tentu saja ada dong hambatan yang bisa terjadi, begitu juga dengan peluang usaha jualan bubur ayam ini, ada beberapa kendala yang mungin Anda temui nantinya, mulai dari para pesaing yang sudah dahulu memiliki pelanggan dan juga para pendatang baru yang ingin mencoba bisnis usaha ini, dan hal ini harus menjadi energi positif bagi Anda bukan malah menjadi penghambat untuk maju. 
Ketika kita menemui beberapa kendala dalam peluang bisnis bubur ayam ini maka kita harus memiliki strategi bisnsi yang cukup bagus supaya kita tetap bisa bersaing. Silahakn Anda perhatikan hal-hal yang menarik dari para kompetitor, analisa kelebihan mereka dan bisa Anda terapkan di tempat Anda atau dengan modifikasi yang lebih menarik atau dengan tambahan yang lebih menarik, misalnya beli bubur ayam dapat pulsa 10.000 (catatan : 1 konsumen sudah membeli sebanyak minimal 50 bubu ayam, dengan sistem kupon misalnya). Jadi Anda bisa ciptakan strategi marketing yang cukup menarik disini. Selain itu harga harus kompetitif dan juga kualitas bubur ayam Anda harus oke dan terjaga, bersih dan rapi dalam menyajikan akan membuat konsumen senang untuk makan bubur ayam yang Anda jual.
Bisnis Kafe Gaul Area Kampus dan Perkantoran
Sudah tidak bisa dipungkiri lagi bahwa kafe saat ini sudah menjadi salah satu tempat dimana orang bisa berbisnis, santai dan nonton bareng disana, banyak pebisnis yang melirik peluang bisnis mendirikan sebuah kafe apalagi areanya cukup strategis di daerah kampus dan juga area perkantoran.
Jika kita cerdik maka ini adalah sebuah peluang usaha yang cukup menarik, tapi sebelum memulainya ada beberapa hak yang perlu kita ketahui yaitu tempat atau lokasi dimana kafe akan kita dirikan, ini sangan penting karena berkaitan dengan taregt konsumen kita. Area kampus dan perkantoran menurut kami sangat tepat jika kita bisa mendapatkan lokasi tersebut.
Bisnis usaha kafe harus disertai dengan promosi yang cukup bagus, membuat brosur, leaflet, dan juga bisa pamphlet untuk promosi akan sangat efektif. Sebarkan di daerah lokasi sekitar kafe Anda berdiri, area kampus dan perkantoran sangat penting untuk menjadi target promosi kafe Anda.
Fasilitas Free WiFi dan juga Gratis air putih akan membuat Kafe Anda lebih menarik, banayk kafe ang air putih saja harus membayar atau harus beli air mineral. Bikin beda dari yang lain, ciptakan servis-servis tambahan yang memikat supaya pengunjung akan balik lagi ke Kafe Anda nantinya.
Bisnis Warung Tenda Harga Mahasiswa dan Karyawan
Anda sudah pernah makan di warung tenda? tempat yang sederhana namun menu masakan cukup oke dan variatif? harga bagaimana? ada yang murah dan ada yang mahal seperti restoran? Nah bukan masalah bagi kita jika kita bisa memanfaatkan peluang usaha kuliner warung tenda ini, pada prinsipnya menurut kami ketika kita memiliki lokasi yang strategis dekat dengan market konsumen yang kita target tentu saja berjualan di warung tenda insyaAllah akan lebih mudah dan menarik.
Memulai usaha bisnis warung tenda harus diawali dengan perncanaan menu apa saja yang akan kita sajikan, mengetahui menu-menu makanan yang paling disukai oleh masyarakat adalah sangat penting sebelum memulai usaha ini. Kendala dan hambatan seperti usaha lainnya jelas ada, kita harus kreatif dan membuat warung tenda kita menarik, membuat nama menu makanan yang aneh dan unik adalah salah satu strategi supaya warung tenda kit amemiliki ciri khas, dan yang satu lagi adalah soal harga, harga terjangkau dan sesuai dengan kantong mahasiswa dan karyawan menurut kami akan cukup bisa bersaing dengan para kompeitot tentunya.
Ketiga contoh jenis peluang bisnis dan usaha tersebut diatas menurut kami masih bisa kita ambl di tahun 2014 ini. Tentu saja masih banyak opsi lainnya yang insyaAllah akan kami ulas di artikel-artikel mendatang. Dengan sedikit gambaran ide usaha kuliner yang berkatian dengan makanan dan minuman diatas semoga bisa menjadi referensi buat kita semua ketika sedang mencari ide-ide usaha yang akan kita jalankan. Semoga sukses buat Anda di tahun 2014 ini. Amin !

Permintaan Emas Cina Tidak Akan Pernah Berhenti

Permintaan Emas Cina Tidak Akan Pernah Berhenti

February 19th, 2014 Leave a comment Go to comments

“We believe that the resolution of the disconnect between paper and physical gold will be a dramatic upside re-pricing of the real thing. Most important is the steady migration of physical gold bars held in Western vaults to China and other parts of Asia, where they seem unlikely to be returned, other than for exorbitant ransom.”

– John Hathaway: 07 January 2014


“Gold is the wild card. The gold price and investor positioning today reflects near unanimous negative sentiment on gold’s prospects, based on expected higher global interest rates and a strong U.S. dollar as the U.S. economy recovers. Any disappointment to this scenario will likely drive the gold price higher, making it one of the better hedges against the risk the U.S. economic recovery falters.”

– Nicholas Brooks, head of research and investment strategy for ETF Securities


Paper gold (investasi emas di pasar finansial) di negara-negara maju mungkin bergerak berdasarkan keinginan-keinginan para pemburu keuntungan, namun ketika investasi di pasar emas fisik dan minat Cina terhadapnya, maka satu kata yang menggambarkan pergerakannya adalah: unstoppable.

Di awal laporan ini, mari kita simak dengan seksama komentar salah seorang yang memiliki proyeksi akurat untuk pergerakan harga emas, seperti yang dijelaskannya dalam wawancara dengan King World News ( belum lama ini.

Di bawah ini adalah yang dikatakan oleh William Kaye, yang 25 tahun lalu bekerja di Goldman Sachs di bagian mergers and acquisitions, berupa keyakinannya mengenai apa yang sedang terjadi di pasar emas dan bagaimana potensi harganya ke depan:

“The longer-term picture (for gold) is extremely bright.  The picture in China itself is phenomenal.  Right now China is, in terms of final demand, consuming virtually 100% of non-China global production of gold.  This is an amazing thing when you think about it….

China doesn’t export anything.  [People] need to think about that.  Chinese production is estimated at slightly over 400 metric tons (each year), which is not huge, but they don’t export that (gold).  All of that (gold) by law belongs to the People’s Bank of China, and if my sources are right, doesn’t even go through Shanghai.

Everything that is brought into China that isn’t produced domestically, and doesn’t go directly to the PBOC, is required by law in China to go through Shanghai.  So if we track deliveries into Shanghai, final deliveries into the market were almost 2,200 tons last year.

Well, since China’s production is a little over 400 tons, and total global production is estimated at between 2,600 and 2,700 tons, what that tells you is that China accounted for approximately 100% of all external (global gold) production — all non-China production.

So where is everything else coming from (to fill the rest of global gold demand)?  Where is the 1,200 tons that, including smuggling, went into India?  How about all of the gold that went into Russia and into the Middle-East?  This is what people need to focus on.

And this is why what we are currently seeing can’t continue indefinitely.  The question is, at what stage does gold actually get liberated?  The setup would appear, as I look at the options structure and other things, that the bottom should be either late this quarter or possibly second quarter.  I’m doubtful that it can extend past that unless the setup changes dramatically from what I am looking at at the moment.”

I think for people who have enough money to live on, they’ve got cash and other assets they can draw on, that are looking for a deeply undervalued investment that has potentially a very high payoff over the next 1, 2, 3, 5 years, gold and precious metals are, in my book, unparalleled.  That’s how we’re set up.  This is something we’ve researched very carefully, and this is where I’ve got my own money.”

Selanjutnya Tyler Durden dari yang juga sering melaporkan demand Cina terhadap emas.

Berikut adalah 2 laporannya belum lama ini, yang tentunya layak Anda perhatikan:

1)   Overheard In A Gold Vault In Singapore: “We Need Additional Capacity”, China’s Appetite Is “Insatiable” (January 28th)

Yesterday we covered the supply side of the gold market from the perspective of global mints, which were kind enough to advise that they “can’t meet the demand, even if we work overtime.” Today, courtesy of Bloomberg, we take a closer look at the demand aspect of the physical gold market, which as most know by now can be described with just one word: China.

But first, while we already know that global mints are working 24/7 and still are unable to meet record demand, in spite of or due to, plunging prices of paper gold, here is how the market looks from the perspective of one of the biggest gold refiners in the world: MKS SA’s PAMP refiner in Switzerland, “whose bullion sales to China surged to a record as demand rose for coins, bars and jewelry. PAMP Managing Director Mehdi Barkhordar, who credited China’s “insatiable” appetite for a sales boost of as much as 20 percent last year, remains optimistic even as growth in the world’s second-largest economy slows. “The demand in China is off its peak, but still respectable,” he said last week.”

Off its peak? Really – where? Certainly not in Singapore where the largest provider of precious-metals logistics and storage, Brink’s, is adding room on top of a vault the company opened in 2012 at the Singapore Freeport building next to Changi International Airport, with a sleek, modernist lobby and a twisting, polished-steel sculpture by Ron Arad that stands 5 meters high. Inside, the gold bars are protected by prison-like barriers, two body scanners and 8-ton, fireproof gates.

      Explain to us how this is “off its peak”:

“We need additional capacity, so we have to take further space,” said Baskaran Narayanan, the 45-year-old Singapore general manager for Richmond, Virginia-based Brink’s. “There’s a surge in demand for precious metals in Asia, and one can see the focus and movement from the west to the east.”

A new Brink’s vault in Singapore set to open by March will be the company’s fifth in the city state, said Narayanan, who spent two decades in the security industry. The 154-year-old company also is adding space in Hong Kong and mainland China to meet growing storage demand, said Guy Bullen, the firm’s senior vice president for the Asia-Pacific region. Brink’s said Asia-Pacific revenue grew 12 percent to $128.9 million in the first nine months of 2013, more than any other region. Deutsche Bank said in June it started a storage facility in Singapore that can hold as much as 200 tons, its largest outside London. UBS, Switzerland’s biggest bank, opened one to keep bars for its wealth-management clients in Asia. In Shanghai, Malca-Amit Global Ltd. opened a vault in November that can store 2,000 tons, or a pile valued at $80 billion.

      Oh, that kind of “off its peak” – we get it now.

Of course, the biggest paradox is that China continues to be grateful to the US momentum-investing community, which continues to dump paper-gold representations such as the GLD ETF, and as Bloomberg reports, “investor sales through gold ETPs wiped $73.4 billion from the value of the funds last year and holdings reached the lowest since October 2009 this month, data compiled by Bloomberg show. The SPDR Gold Trust, the largest gold ETP and which is listed in New York, accounted for 64 percent of global sales last year.” And as a result of the ongoing liquidation of paper gold, those who couldn’t care less about monthly or annual momentum-boosted P&L (so eliminate the entire US hedge fund community), and just care about buying brick after brick of physical gold at the lowest possible prices are thanking their lucky stars they have a bunch of dumb 2 and 20 chasing paper sellers to do their job for them, especially if and when the PBOC does announce the real amount of gold reserves it has accumulate over the past five years (which are now order of magnitude above the official ~1000 tons of gold last disclosed in 2009).

So going back to the Chinese demand, and the entire topic of west to east gold migration, here is what we know.

“In the western world, we’ve enjoyed a popular bull market in gold, mainly via the gold ETFs, and it appears to be over,” Morris said. “In China, there are a large number of new outlets, including many banks in the provinces, that are selling gold bars. Many Chinese people, who’ve had limited access to gold in the past, think it’s a good idea to have a bar or two as a long-term investment.”

The U.K. shipped 1,291 tons to the refining hub of Switzerland last year through November, more than the previous seven years combined and equal to more than five months of mine output, according to data from European Union statistics service Eurostat and Barclays Plc. Macquarie Group Ltd. says that’s a sign of the movement from west to east.

      And once in Switzerland, the gold is refined, processed and sold onward to…

Hong Kong exported a record 1,108.8 tons to China in 2013, more than double the total in 2012, according to data from the Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department. Mainland China doesn’t publish the data.

Consumer purchases of gold in China surged 30 percent in the 12 months through September to 996.3 tons, overtaking demand in India, where usage gained 24 percent to 977.6 tons, the World Gold Council estimates. In the first nine months of 2013, China was at 797.8 tons, already eclipsing its full-year record of 778.6 tons, set in 2011, and full-year usage may exceed India’s all-time high 1,006.5 tons in 2010.

Oh, that “off the peak.”  Ok then. And let’s not forget that while Chinese gold demand is at an absolutely all time record high (and thank you BIS operative Benoit Gilson and Mikael Charoze for those well-timed gold slams), another place that is just waiting for the opportunity to buy as much gold as it legally can is the former larget gold buyer in the world – India.

India’s government choked off inbound shipments by raising import taxes on gold three times last year to help pare a trade imbalance that has weighed on the national currency, the rupee. The 24 percent rise in Indian jewelry, bar and coin purchases to 977.6 tons in the 12 months through September lagged the 30 percent gain to 996.3 tons in China, the gold council said.

How much latent demand is there? A lot: ‘Premiums in India reached a record $160 above the London price in December.” In fact, demand is so great even with restrictions, that refiners have been forced to add work shifts! Nobody complaining about raising the minimum wage here…

“India will consume gold for a long, long time because, for the Indian farmer, gold is one of his best assets,” said Barkhordar, who runs the PAMP refinery in Switzerland. “He will keep this gold for his daughter’s dowry, but he can also use it in case he’s short of cash for the next crop.”

The surge in orders meant some parts of the refinery worked three shifts instead of the usual two, Barkhordar said. It takes five to six working days to turn mined or scrap gold into a bar, he said. The 200 or so employees at the 110,000-square-foot PAMP facility, located about 3 miles from the Argor-Heraeus SA and Valcambi SA refineries, make bars ranging from 0.3 gram to 12.5 kilograms.

And finally, there is the biggest wildcard of all: the Arabs, who have untold wealth in fiat and otherwise electronic format that one day soon, supposedly before the markets crash and the western central banks lose control, need protection.

Trade also has expanded in Dubai. The emirate accounts for about 25 percent of global physical gold trading, and bullion demand grew eightfold in the past six to 10 years, said Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange Chief Executive Officer Gary Anderson. The DGCX plans to list a spot gold contact this year to add to its futures offering.

The bottom line comes from Jeremy East, who moved to Hong Kong from London in June and is head of metals trading at Standard Chartered Plc. “Many of the positive drivers for gold prices in the past five years have started to disappear. At the same time, we have seen a significant increase in physical demand for gold in Asia, especially China. The expectation is that Asia is going to play a much bigger role for setting the international prices for gold and also for the whole metals complex going forward.”

Of course it will, but for now it is counting its lucky stars that courtesy of ETFs, the BIS and various central and private banks desperate to make their worthless pieces of fiat paper appear valuable by manipulating the price of gold lower, it can accumulate gold at such a torrid pace and at such blue light special prices. It knows very well this won’t last. However, in the meantime it will remove as much deliverable product from the paper gold market that when the real delivery demands begin (wink wink Bundesbank), then the real fun starts.



2)   China Surpasses India As Biggest Buyer Of Gold Following Record 2013 Imports, Consumption (February 10th)

Two weeks ago we learned what many had already known just by extrapolating simple trends: in 2013 Chinese net imports of gold from Hong Kong alone rose to over 1000 tons of gold, or 1158 to be precise – 100 tons more than China’s official gold holdings of 1054 tons which have not “budged” in the past four years – following another significant net monthly import of 94.8 tons of the precious metal in December (and 126.6 gross). This means total gold imports in 2013 was more than double the 557 tons imported in 2012, and as a result China has now officially surpassed India as the world’s biggest buyer of gold (although the title may swing back to India once gold price controls are relaxed, or if the government were to count all the gold smuggled into the country via illegal channels).

As the chart below shows, no matter what the price of paper gold does, the Chinese bid remains unwavering.


Reuters summarizes China’s insatiable appetite for the yellow metal:

China’s gold consumption jumped 41 percent in 2013 to exceed 1,000 tons for the first time, an industry body said on Monday, as a sharp slide in prices attracted buyers for jewellery and bullion.

The demand surge has helped China become the No. 1 gold consumer and should support prices, which took a hit last year from expectations of a tapering of commodities-friendly economic stimulus by the U.S. Federal Reserve and a drop in demand in the other major buyer India.

Gold consumption in China grew to 1,176.40 tons last year, with jewellery demand climbing 43 percent to 716.50 tons and bullion demand soaring 57 percent to 375.73 tons, the China Gold Association said on its website.

Chinese demand hit a record as gold prices fell for the first time in 13 years amid an improving global economy and a rally in equities. Prices tumbled 28 percent in 2013.

“The sharply lower prices attracted a lot of Chinese consumers looking for bargains,” said Chen Min, an analyst at Jinrui Futures in Shenzhen.

“Gold will continue to be an attractive investment in China in the near term as prices look steady near $1,200 an ounce,” Chen said.

      As a reminder, official gold holdings are not included in these numbers:

China’s gold consumption figures do not include demand from the central bank, whose gold reserves stand at 33.89 million ounces (1,054 tons), unchanged since April 2009, according to the latest figures on the central bank’s website.

Regarding said PBOC gold holdings, Reuters confirms what our readers have known since September 2011:

China last announced a rise in its gold reserves in April 2009 and has not revised the figure since, though there had been recent market speculation that the bank had been accumulating gold reserves and would announce a new figure.

Of course, we doubt anyone would be surprised by the unveiling of any updated PBOC holdings especially after one considers just how ravenous China’s gross imports since our September 2011 article have been, summarized best by the following chart.


As we have said before: keep an eye on the “gold holdings” of the GLD and other US paper gold ETFs, whose drop in holdings for now has offset Chinese accumulation on the margin. Once GLD gold holdings solidly resume their climb higher, that will be the key upward gold price inflection point.


What Do the Charts Say?

Macneil Curry dari BofAML belum lama ini menyebut bahwa gold is coming to life:


Via BofAML’s Macneil Curry,

Gold breaks pivotal resistance


Across assets gold has been the lead market against the US $; having forged its base back in mid December. Now, it has broken above its 150d average (1295) for the 1st time since Jan’13. This average has been an excellent barometer of the medium term trend and points to further gains. We target the confluence of resistance between 1355/1374 and potentially beyond.


Meskipun terjadi breakout (MA-150 hari) dari kenaikan harga emas sejak pekan lalu, laporan bulanan dari Elliott Wave International’s Global Market Perspective masih meyakini bahwa emas masih dalam sentimen bearish besarnya.

Oleh karena itu, kewaspadaan sungguh diperlukan saat ini dan saya sarankan agar para investor jangan dulu mengejar kenaikan harga emas ini.

Di bawah ini pandangan terbaru dari Elliott Wave International mengenai perkembangan harga emas:

“Gold has declined 35% from its September 2011 peak at $1,921.50 and continues to move in line with our forecast.

In November and December, GMP discussed the large investment losses incurred by hedge funds and governments, some of whom bet heavily on a gold rally to new all-time highs.

Gold’s decline last year has forced the Swiss National Bank, one of the world’s biggest holders of the metal, to cancel dividends to shareholders for the first time since the Bank was founded in 1907, 107 years ago.

The Swiss central bank said on January 6 that the precious metal’s selloff created a $10 billion loss for the year.

The December issue of EWT noted that gold sentiment has changed.

Still, our forecast remains on track: gold’s bear market is not complete.

The wave labels on the chart show the two high-probability potentials for prices in the coming months.

If wave (5) down started at the August 28 high at $1,434, gold will soon decline to new lows in the final wave of the impulse structure that started at the 2011 peak.

Another possibility is that wave (4) could be tracing out a triangle.

Under this scenario, wave C started at the December 31 low at $1,184.23 and will carry gold to $1,300-$1.350.

Both structures indicate that gold needs one more new low.

Thereafter, the largest countertrend rally since the peak will develop.”



Emas masih bergerak dari negara-negara barat ke timur, bahkan cnderung bergerak lebih cepat karena Cina diberi umpan oleh turunnya harga emas di pasar ETF serta mulai adanya produksi baru dari tambang-tambang global.

Ketika para investor barat sadar mengenai fakta bahwa jika Cina terus membeli emas di tengah penurunan harganya – bahkan tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda akan mengakhirinya – maka akan hilang emas fisik di pasar-pasar tradisional, karena semuanya sudah diserap Cina dan konsumen-konsumen Asia lainnya.

Dan jika kemudian terjadi kenaikan harga besar-besaran, maka itulah yang menjadi penyebabnya!

Namun demikian, emas saat ini masih dalam downtrend-nya selama masih di bawah level $1525.

Masih banyak waktu yang diperlukan emas untuk menembus resistance pentingnya itu. Untuk indikasi awal, jika kenaikan mampu menembus ke atas $1434 maka menunjukkan perubahan tren, seperti yang dapat Anda lihat dengan jelas di grafik Tom Fitzpatrick (analis Citi) berikut:


Sebaliknya, waspadai ada daily close di bawah $1180 yang akan memberikan sinyal bahwa downtrend masih akan berlanjut dan akan membawa harga pada bagian akhir dari koreksi tahunan emas dengan target $1000-$1100.

Juga perlu diingat bahwa data Commitment of Traders menunjukkan bahwa para investor kian meningkatkan short position emas di pasar berjangka dan long-position spekulan sudah mencapai tertinggi sejak akhir Oktober 2013.

Ini mengindikasikan bahwa kenaikan harga emas ini sedang menghadapi resistance kuat.

Terakhir yang tak kalah penting adalah dolar AS biasanya memperoleh dukungan musiman hingga musim panas.

Jika gejolak di pasar negara berkembang berlanjut lagi, maka akan mendorong penguatan dolar AS karena dana spekulatif akan kembali ke pasar AS.

Dan biasanya penguatan dolar AS dapat menghambat kenaikan harga emas.

Terima kasih sudah membaca dan semoga beruntung!


Dibuat Tanggal 18 Februari 2014

sumber :

2014: Tahun Penuh Kejutan?

2014: Tahun Penuh Kejutan?

December 18th, 2013 nico

The fact that we have system-wide liquidity has allowed a complete replay of the circumstances that led up to the 2008 collapse. The system is way too over-leveraged on a global basis. It is also apparent to me that the ability of the financial system to recover from an asymmetric shock, a black swan, is less than it was back in 2008. When I think about the number of things that could create a shock, there are too many to list. But when I think about our ability to withstand the shock, given the bullets we fired at the beast last time – such as oceans of fiat currency or massive liquidity – are bullets that we’ve already fired, one wonders how far we can push on that string the next time around. In this incredibly fragile and, unfortunately, ‘Orwellian’ environment, investors are being bombarded with mainstream media propaganda every day about how things have changed since 2008, but I don’t believe it has changed, with the exception of liquidity in the system. This is why I say I am a terrified observer as I watch the end game drawing to a close. If chaos erupts this time around, there may be no stopping it.”

                                                                                                      –– Rick Rule


Karena pertemuan menentukan bagi FOMC the Fed AS pada 17-18 Desember pekan ini, apakah akan memutuskan QE-Taper atau tidak, maka di kesempatan ini saya akan membahas terlebih dahulu mengenai hal tersebut. Pertanyaan besarnya adalah apakah bank sentral AS akan melakukan QE-Taper pada Desember ini? Tentunya tidak ada seorang pun yang sepenuhnya yakin untuk menjawabnya saat ini. Oleh karena itu saya memang tidak akan memprediksikan apa keputusan bank sentral AS pekan ini. Namun saya dapat mengatakan bahwa the Fed tentu tak ingin kehilangan kredibilitasnya. Untuk itu mungkin saja mereka melakukan QE-Taper bersifat simbolis saja hanya sekitar $5-$10 milyar dari program stimulus $85 milyar/bulan (atau $1,2 trilyun/tahun). Jika tidak, maka rasa ketidakpercayaan masyarakat global akan semakin meningkat. Sebelum menuju topik utama laporan ini, ada sebuah artikel yang akan sangat menggugah pemikiran  Anda dari W. Bent Hunt dari Epsilon Theory mengenai cara manipulasi bank sentral AS agar Anda meyakini apa yang diinginkannya: Up to the walls of Jericho With sword drawn in his hand Go blow them horns, cried Joshua The battle is in my hands – “Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho”, traditional African-American spiritual

The Stuka


At the outset of World War II, the German Luftwaffe attached an ear-splitting siren – the Jericho Trumpet – to the Junker Ju-87 dive-bomber, commonly called the Stuka. Dive-bombers are wonderful tactical aircraft if you have control of the skies, highly effective against tanks, vehicles of all sorts, even smaller ships, but they simply don’t carry enough ordnance to be a strategic weapon. They can certainly help you win a battle, but they’re unlikely to help you win a war. By attaching the Jericho Trumpet, however, the Stuka became a psychological weapon as much as a physical weapon, striking fear in a much wider swath than the actual bombs. During the early Blitzkrieg days of the war, the Stuka had exactly this sort of strategic effect, crushing the morale of the Polish army in particular.

Because it was a propeller-driven siren, the Jericho Trumpet actually made the Stuka a less effective dive-bomber, slowing its air speed and making it an easier target to hit. This was a trade-off that the German High Command was happy to make so long as the Stuka maintained its mystique as a terrifying harbinger of death from above, but that mystique was shattered once the Royal Air Force started shooting them down by the dozens in the Battle of Britain. By the end of 1940 the Stuka was almost entirely redeployed from the Western Front to the East, and those planes that remained had their sirens removed. As Churchill famously said of the RAF, “never was so much owed by so many to so few,” and it’s the psychological dimension of this victory that is so striking to me. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the military tides of World War II shifted in the West at exactly the same moment that the Luftwaffe took off the Jericho Trumpet and the Stuka lost its mojo.

Today the financial media – and the WSJ’s Jon Hilsenrath in particular – is the Fed’s Jericho Trumpet. Unlike the Luftwaffe, the Fed is not trying to inspire terror, but they are similarly trying to turn a powerful tactical weapon into a strategic weapon through psychological means. The Fed is now embracing the use of communication as a policy tool in a totally separate manner from whatever concrete actions the communication is ostensibly about, and they use Hilsenrath (and a few others) as a modern-day Joshua to blow the horn. The Fed is now playing the Common Knowledge game openly and directly, making public statements through their media intermediaries to tell you how ALL market participants perceive reality, even though in fact NO market participant has a clear view of reality. In the Common Knowledge game – whether it’s the Island of the Green-Eyed Tribe that modern game theorists write about, the Newspaper Beauty Contest that Keynes wrote about in the 1930’s, or the Emperor’s New Clothes that Hans Christian Andersen wrote about in the 1830’s – the strong public statement of what “everyone knows” creates a reality where it is rational behavior for everyone to act as if they, too, see this reality … even if they privately don’t see it at all.

Here’s the money quote from Hilsenrath’s article last Friday after the November jobs report, titled (self-referentially enough) “Hilsenrath’s Five Takeaways on What the Jobs Report Means for the Fed”:

MARKETS BELIEVE TAPERING ISN’T TIGHTENING: Markets are positioned more to the Fed’s liking today than they were in September, when it put off reducing, or “tapering,” the monthly bond purchases. Most notably, the Fed’s message is sinking in that a wind down of the program won’t mean it’s in a hurry to raise short-term interest rates. Futures markets place a very low probability on Fed rate increases before 2015, in contrast to September, when fed funds futures markets indicated rate increases were expected by the end of 2014. The Fed has been trying to drive home the idea that “tapering is not tightening” for months and is likely to feel comforted that investors believe it as a pullback gets serious consideration.

In truth, the shift in the implied futures market expectations of short-term rate hikes from late 2014 into early 2015 says nothing about what “The Market” believes about tapering. It says a lot about the enormous effort that the Fed is putting into its forward guidance on rates, as a communications policy replacement for its prior reliance on forward guidance and linkage of unemployment rates and QE (a mistake that I wrote extensively about at the time and is now universally seen as a policy error). The Fed, through Hilsenrath, is trying to tell you how you should think about tapering. Not by giving you a substantive argument, but simply by announcing to you in a very authoritative voice what everyone else thinks about tapering.

Hey, don’t worry about tapering. No one else is worried about tapering. You are totally out of step with all the smart people if you’re worried about tapering. It’s duration of ZIRP that matters, not QE. Don’t you know that? Everyone else knows that. Maybe you’re just not very smart if you can’t see that, too. Can you see it now? Ah, good.

This is game-playing in an almost pure form. It’s smart and it’s effective. The siren from above is starting to wail: if you react negatively in your investment decisions to tapering, you are Fighting the Fed.

The bombs are going to drop – increased forward guidance on rates and decreased direct bond purchases – but these policies in and of themselves are just tactical. What’s really at stake is the strategic meaning of these policies, the belief system that takes hold (or doesn’t) around the power of the Fed to create market outcomes.

Over the next three or four months we’re going to see quite a battle for the hearts and minds of investors, with both “sides” employing the Narrative of Don’t Fight the Fed. On the one hand you will have the Fed, with their Jericho Trumpet of Hilsenrath et al shrieking at you a new interpretation of the Narrative: ZIRP is the source of the Fed’s power, not QE, so tapering is no big deal. On the other hand you also have the Fed, but the Fed of the past several years and the way it has trained the market to believe that the portfolio rebalancing effect … i.e., the behavioral impact of QE that Bernanke has directly credited with driving up the stock market … is what really matters. And if that’s your reality, then tapering is a big deal, indeed. I’ll be monitoring all this closely at Epsilon Theory in the weeks ahead.

Importantly, this psychological battle is taking place entirely within the larger Narrative of Central Bank Omnipotence. If the QE meme wins the day and tapering ends up hitting the markets hard … well, it’s Fed balance sheet operations that determine market outcomes. If the ZIRP meme wins the day and tapering is a non-event … well, it’s Fed forward guidance on rates that determines market outcomes. Either way, it’s a Fed-centric universe. Forever and ever, amen.

Berikutnya mari kita lihat bagaimana prospek tahun depan, yang bisa saja penuh kejutan terutama untuk investor/trader yang belakangan ini sudah demikian optimisnya.

Pertama adalah laporan dari Michael Snyder dari The Economic Collapse blog, yang menulis 2014 Predictions From The Big Guys…:

Some of the most respected prognosticators in the financial world are warning that what is coming in 2014 and beyond is going to shake America to the core.  Many of the quotes that you are about to read are from individuals that actually predicted the subprime mortgage meltdown and the financial crisis of 2008 ahead of time.  So they have a track record of being right.  Does that guarantee that they will be right about what is coming in 2014?  Of course not.  In fact, as you will see below, not all of them agree about exactly what is coming next.  But without a doubt, all of their forecasts are quite ominous.  The following are quotes from Harry Dent, Marc Faber, Gerald Celente, Mike Maloney, Jim Rogers and nine other respected economic experts about what they believe is coming in 2014 and beyond…

Harry Dent, author of The Great Depression Ahead: “Our best long-term and intermediate cycles suggest another slowdown and stock crash accelerating between very early 2014 and early 2015, and possibly lasting well into 2015 or even 2016. The worst economic trends due to demographics will hit between 2014 and 2019. The U.S. economy is likely to suffer a minor or major crash by early 2015 and another between late 2017 and late 2019 or early 2020 at the latest.”

Marc Faber, editor and publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report: “You have to say that we are again in a massive financial bubble in bonds, in equities, in [other] asset prices that have gone up dramatically.”

Gerald Celente: “Any self-respecting adult that hears McConnell, Reid, Boehner, Ryan, one after another, and buys this baloney… they deserve what they get.

And as for the international scene… the whole thing is collapsing.

That’s our forecast.

We are saying that by the second quarter of 2014, we expect the bottom to fall out… or something to divert our attention as it falls out.”

Mike Maloney, host of Hidden Secrets of Money: “I think the crash of 2008 was just a speed bump on the way to the main event… the consequences are going to be horrific… the rest of the decade will bring us the greatest financial calamity in history.”

Jim Rogers: “You saw what happened in 2008-2009, which was worse than the previous economic setback because the debt was so much higher. Well now the debt is staggeringly much higher, and so the next economic problem, whenever it happens and whatever causes it, is going to be worse than in the past, because we have these unbelievable levels of debt, and unbelievable levels of money printing all over the world. Be worried and get prepared. Now it [a collapse] may not happen until 2016 or something, I have no idea when it’s going to happen, but when it comes, be careful.”

Lindsey Williams: “There is going to be a global currency reset.”

CLSA’s Russell Napier: “We are on the eve of a deflationary shock which will likely reduce equity valuations from very high to very low levels.”

Oaktree Capital’s Howard Marks: “Certainly risk tolerance has been increasing of late; high returns on risky assets have encouraged more of the same; and the markets are becoming more heated. The bottom line varies from sector to sector, but I have no doubt that markets are riskier than at any other time since the depths of the crisis in late 2008 (for credit) or early 2009 (for equities), and they are becoming more so.“

Financial editor Jeff Berwick: “If they allow interest rates to rise, it will effectively make the U.S. government bankrupt and insolvent, and it would make the U.S. government collapse. . . . They are preparing for a major societal collapse.  It is obvious and it will happen, and it will be very scary and very dangerous.”

Michael Pento, founder of Pento Portfolio Strategies: “Disappointingly, it is much more probable that the government has brought us out of the Great Recession, only to set us up for the Greater Depression, which lies just on the other side of interest rate normalization.”

Boston University Economics Professor Laurence Kotlikoff: “Eventually somebody recognizes this and starts dumping the bonds, and interest rates go up, and inflation takes off, and we’re off to the races.”

Mexican Billionaire Hugo Salinas Price: “I think we are going to see a series of bankruptcies.  I think the rise in interest rates is the fatal sign which is going to ignite a derivatives crisis.   This is going to bring down the derivatives system (and the financial system).

There are (over) one quadrillion dollars of derivatives and most of them are related to interest rates.  The spiking of interest rates in the United States may set that off.  What is going to happen in the world is eventually we are going to come to a moment where there is going to be massive bankruptcies around the globe.”

Robert Shiller, one of the winners of the 2013 Nobel prize for economics: “I’m not sounding the alarm yet.  But in many countries the stock price levels are high, and in many real estate markets prices have risen sharply…that could end badly.”

David Stockman, former Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan: “We have a massive bubble everywhere, from Japan, to China, Europe, to the UK.  As a result of this, I think world financial markets are extremely dangerous, unstable, and subject to serious trouble and dislocation in the future.”

And certainly there are already signs that the U.S. economy is slowing down as we head into the final weeks of 2013.  For example, on Thursday we learned that the number of initial claims for unemployment benefits increased by 68,000 last week to a disturbingly high total of 368,000.  That was the largest increase that we have seen in more than a year.

In addition, as I wrote about the other day, rail traffic is way down right now.  In fact, for the week ending November 30th, U.S. rail traffic was down 16.3 percent from the same week one year earlier.  That is a very important indicator that economic activity is getting slower.

And we continue to get more evidence that the middle class is being steadily eroded and that poverty in America is rapidly growing.  For example, a survey that was just released found that requests for food assistance and the level of homelessness have both risen significantly in major U.S. cities over the past year…

A survey of 25 American cities, including many of the nation’s largest, showed yearly increases in food aid and homelessness.

The cities, located throughout 18 states, saw requests for emergency food aid rise by an average of seven percent compared with the previous period a year earlier, according to the US Conference of Mayors study, published Wednesday.

All but four cities reported an increase in demand for assistance between the period of September 2012 through August 2013.

Unfortunately, if the economic experts quoted above are correct, this is just the beginning of our problems.

The next wave of the economic collapse is rapidly approaching, and things are going to get much worse than this.”

Berikutnya adalah Egon von Greyerz, pendiri Matterhorn Asset Management, yang belum lama ini ke King World News ( mengirimkan statistic paling menakutkan menjelang tahun 2014.

Egon von Greyerz juga membahas bagaimana korelasinya ke prospek harga emas dan perak di tahun 2014, serta saran investasinya yang sangat praktis dalam tulisan di bawah ini:

“As we approach 2014 this will be a year of major change, and the tide will begin to turn in the world economy.  Since we are talking about the end of a major era, and the tide that will hit us all will be very powerful….

So I’ve thought about some things that investors must not do in 2014, or don’ts as I call them:  Don’t hold major amounts of cash.  Either your bank will not survive, or there will be a bail-in so investors will lose a major part of their funds.  Don’t think that certain banks are superior.  It’s correct that all banks won’t go under simultaneously, but some of the most exposed banks will last longer than others because governments won’t let them fail.

Take the examples of Deutsche Bank, Barclays, and Bank of America:  Even if their balance sheets are very weak, the governments won’t let those go under until the very end — they are just too-big-too-fail.  So there will be bail-ins, but these big banks will be the last to fall.  But the smaller, more marginal banks will not be saved.

Remember that the whole banking system is interconnected and therefore all banks are exposed.  A bank in Singapore or Hong Kong will have dollars in a US bank and in a forex transaction with a US bank, so the whole system is interconnected.

Another don’t is don’t hold bonds, and especially US Treasuries.  Why?  Because the US government is bankrupt.  The last 32 years the US debt has gone up 17 times, and tax revenues have only gone up 2.5 times.  And for these 32 years there has never been a surplus.  Not one time.

So how can anyone believe that the US debt can be repaid with real money?  Let me tell you, it can’t.  There is a hyperinflationary depression scenario in which the dollar is totally destroyed, and the other option is to let the banks collapse.  This means major defaults and the end of the whole financial system as we know it.  The reality is that central banks will print as much money as they can, but in both cases gold will function as the only reliable money or medium of exchange.

The next don’t is don’t hold paper money, and especially not US dollars.  The reign of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency is coming to an end.  That’s the end of a 100 year experiment of government and central bank interference in the economy, an interference which has been a total failure.

We know the dollar has lost 98% of its purchasing power since 1913.  Since 1971, when Nixon made the desperate move not to back the dollar with gold, the dollar collapse has greatly accelerated.  The dollar has also lost 80% of its value against the Swiss franc since 1971.  The Dow is up 18 times measured in dollars since 1971, but if you measure the Dow in Swiss francs, it’s only up 4 times since 1971.

Another don’t is don’t hold stocks.  The US stock market and most other markets are now at the end of a major long-term bull market, and this will end in a massive bear market.  The debt-induced bubble in stocks is coming to an end.  We might get one final move higher, but after that it’s finished for a very long time.

There are many warning signals regarding stocks.  Right now there are 4 times more bulls than bears in the US stock market.  There are only 14% bears.  The last time we saw this was in 1987, right before the crash.  Also, margin debt in the US is at a record 2.5 times GDP.

If you look at the Schiller P/E Index, that is at the same level it was in 1973, right before the stock market collapsed by 50%.  So stocks will be a very bad investment in 2014 and onwards.  The only exception to that will be precious metals mining stocks, which are massively oversold and likely to have a spectacular run.

Another don’t is don’t have debts or be highly leveraged.  In a hyperinflationary scenario interest rates will soar and debt servicing will be very onerous.  Also, there is a risk that banks will index debts so debtors will not benefit from the inflation.  This has happened in many countries in the past.

Finally, don’t have counterparty risk.  A lot of counterparties will fail.  Therefore, counterparties must be eliminated.  Obviously there are lots of other ‘don’ts,’ but if investors just follow the ones I have just outlined they will save themselves from ruin.

What about do’s?  Well, precious metals are at the top of that list.  What’s happening now is commercials are turning to the long side.  Recently, bullion banks have added 100 tons of gold to their holdings.  The 4 big US banks are now long 180 tons of gold.  Producers are also long 37 tons.  These are incredibly significant amounts.  Just last week 54 tons of gold was delivered to the Shanghai Exchange.  That’s around $2 billion of gold.  If you annualize that it’s 2,800 tons, which of course exceeds the annual production of gold.

So in my view the gold and silver correction is finished as I indicated last week.  The choppy action we have seen this week is typical of a major turn.  I see new highs for both gold and silver in 2014, with gold about $2,000, and silver well above $50.”

What Do the Charts Say?

Meskipun meleset di saham dan emas, analisa teknikal Citi FX yang diketengahkan dalam “12 Charts of Christmas” untuk tahun 2013 bekerja baik di pasar forex, obligasi dan komoditas.

Tahun ini, Tom Fitzpatrick dan timnya merilis 2014′s most important charts – sebuah titik awal bagi prospek mereka untuk tahun depan.

Mulai dari perlambatan pasar perumahan hingga ekspektasi penguatan dolar AS; maupun dari “roll-over” dalam Consumer Confidence menuju ke penguatan emas, mereka melihat kelanjutan “repair process” meskipun dalam langkah yang lamban meskipun ada kekhawatiran bahwa bursa saham semakin mirip dengan pergerakan tahun 2000.

Via CitiFX Technicals,

What do we believe for 2014?

  • The USD bullish trend remains intact and the DXY Index should set new trend highs (90+).
  • EURUSD: We expect a sharp turn lower that could see EURUSD in the 1.18-1.22 range in 2014. A very easy ECB policy will likely be a contributing factor here.
  • USDJPY: Remains in a broad uptrend and we would expect a move towards at least 110-111 this year. This should continue to be supportive of the Nikkei.
  • Consumer Confidence: Looks set to “roll” lower in a fashion similar to 2000 and 2007. This may have implications for the U.S. Equity market which looks stretched at this point in a fashion similar to 2000.
  • Housing looks better than it was at the lows but nowhere near the traditional recovery/escape velocity of prior cycles. In 2014 we may even see a pause in its improvement.
  • US yields: Similar to last year we suspect that an initial move lower may well emerge towards at least 2.40% (10 year) and 3.50% (30 year) and possibly lower. This is within a longer trend dynamic where they will likely move higher again thereafter. We would expect significantly higher yields in the next few years to materialize.
  • Gold finally looks to be forming a base for a move higher. However we need both more convincing price action and likely a struggling equity market to solidify this potential.
  • In Local Markets the USDBRL chart is one of the more convincing pictures and suggests a much weaker BRL is in prospect in 2014.

Overall: We see a backdrop where the “repair process” of recent years continues at a slow pace but where the US continues to look like the “best house on a bad street” when it comes to the major developed nations. This should also benefit the USD and keep the relative picture for yields (monetary policy) in favor of the US.


The corrective platform could be the “launch pad” for a move to new highs in the trend and a stronger USD all the way to 2016 as per previous post housing collapse cycles.


EURUSD turning lower like it did in 1998? A move towards 1.20 this year and much further over the next 2+ years looks likely.

Nico-5 Nico-6

A move similar to 1978-1982 could see USDJPY as high as 118 eventually while a repeat of 1995-1998 would suggest as far as 139. An average of the two could see USDJPY close to 130 by 2015. For 2014 we would expect a move to at least 110-111.

Nico-7 Nico-8

Another 4 year and 4 month trend coming to an end?


The last 2 peaks in Consumer Confidence led the S&P by 3-4 months. That pretty much takes us to now… big divergence between the Equity market and the real economy.


Peak in the 1,820-1,830 area? Prior peaks have seen pretty quick falls to the 200 week moving average.



Is the US 30 year yield double topping as it has done so many times before?



The potential double bottom will target 3.70 with a break above 2.62. Beyond there the all-time USDBRL high at 4.00 could well be eventually tested.

And summarizing their strong conviction 2014 views:


Agar tetap ceria, berikut adalah sebuah gambar lucu untuk Anda:


Source: IBD via The Burning Platform blog

Terima kasih sudah membaca dan semoga beruntung!

Apakah Cina Mulai Kehabisan Tenaga?

Apakah Cina Mulai Kehabisan Tenaga?

November 26th, 2013

“The speed and depth of the Chinese policy response will help determine the severity and duration of this crisis. If the Chinese address the issue quickly and move decisively to rein in credit expansion and accept a period of much lower growth, they may be able to use the government and People’s Bank of China’s balance sheet to cushion the adjustment in the economy. If, however, they continue on the current path and allow this deterioration to reach its natural and logical limit, we will likely see a full-scale recession as well as a collapse in asset and real estate prices sometime next year. China’s direct contribution to global growth is enormous, but perhaps equally as important is its role in generating growth in developed and emerging economies. A slowdown, whether significant or extreme, in the Chinese economy heralds very bad news for asset prices around the world. A growth crisis centered in Asia will further exacerbate the instability and volatility in Japan and have a devastating impact on second derivative marketplaces such as Australia, Brazil and developing markets in South East Asia.”

            — Hayman Capital’s Kyle Bass

Model pertumbuhan ekonomi Cina terlihat timpang – telah menyia-nyiakan sumber daya pada skala belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Kota-kotanya kosong, kapasitas industri berlebihan dan kredit konstruksi yang jatuh tempo terus mengotori perekonomian negara.

New lending yield terus merosot di bawah pertumbuhan yang meningkat. Dan yang terburuk adalah proyek-proyek konstruksi tidak menghasilkan cukup uang menutup hutang-hutangnya.

Perekonomian Cina, seperti kebanyakan yang lain, bertumpu pada fondasi kredit yang goyah. Negara ini telah membuat sesuatu yang akan memberikan ledakan terbesarnya dalam sejarah – ledakan yang akan dipicu oleh pertumbuhan yang tidak berkelanjutan dalam pasokan uang dan kredit.

Bahkan, hutang pasar negara berkembang diasumsikan akan menyerupai krisis subprime mortgage tahun 2007 silam, dengan pusat episentrum di Cina.

Berikut adalah penjelasan singkatnya dalam sebuah headline di London Telegraph:

Fitch Says China Credit Bubble Unprecedented in Modern World History

“The credit-driven growth model is clearly falling apart,” says the agency’s senior director in Beijing. In early June, China’s interbank-lending rates came unhinged.

On June 8, for instance, the overnight repo rate jumped more than 100% to 9.78%. Another key interbank rate set by the National Interbank Funding Center has jumped 336% since May.

By June 21, the country’s leading commercial bank, the Bank of China, was denying that it had defaulted. This should be the first of many such denials, which will then be followed by full-blown defaults.

Here’s another headline hinting at the depth and breadth of the unfolding crisis: “Bond Auctions Fail from Russia to Korea.”

Artikel itu mencatat bahwa lonjakan yield global membuat perusahaan dimanapun akan melakukan “delay funding efforts.” Dengan kata lain, krisis belum berakhir.

Selama enam bulan terakhir Cina telah menyuntikkan dana lebih dari $1,6 triliun untuk kredit baru (21% dari PDB) di dalam perekonomiannya. Jika memang terjadi krisis kredit di sana, meskipun  masih menambah sedemikian besar kredit ke perekonomian, maka masalahnya tentu akan besar.

Hanya untuk memastikan bahwa Anda sungguh memahami krisis kredit yang berkembang di Cina, saya memiliki tiga laporan menarik Tyler Durden dari yang masuk dalam kategori HARUS DIBACA:

1)   China To Kick Bad Debt Hornets Nest (July 28th)

The last (and first) time China’s National Audit Office conducted an audit of local government debt two years ago, in June 2011, it found that local governments and their various financing vehicles had taken on 10.7 trillion yuan of debt as at the end of 2010, which brought the issue of “underreported” high leverage in China to the fore. In the then words of Liu Jiayi, the country’s auditor-general, “some local government financing platforms’ management is irregular, and their profitability and ability to pay their debt is quite weak.

Others quickly chimed in: UBS estimated that local government debt could be 30 percent of gross domestic product and may generate around 2 to 3 trillion yuan of non-performing loans. Credit Suisse economist Tao Dong said it was the biggest “time bomb” for China’s economy. This was the most explicit warning about a credit bubble in China both internally and from “credible” outsiders (not fringe blogs and “conflicted” short-sellers) that had be uttered to date. It certainly wouldn’t be the last as the recent aggressive attempts at deleveraging and reform in the financial system have shown.

Overnight, nearly two years after the first such audit, China announced it is conducting a follow up nationwide inquiry into government borrowings, “as the nation’s growth slowdown puts pressure on the new leadership to determine the extent of potential bad debts weighing down the economy.”

So why now? Bloomberg has some suggestions:

The State Council, under Premier Li Keqiang, requested the National Audit Office to conduct a review, according to today’s statement from the audit office’s website, without providing any more details. The first audit of local government debt found liabilities of 10.7 trillion yuan ($1.8 trillion) at the end of 2010, the National Audit Office said in June 2011. 

Local-government financing vehicles need to repay a record amount of debt this year, prompting Moody’s Investors Service to warn Premier Li may set an example by allowing China’s first onshore bond default. Local governments set up more than 10,000 LGFVs to fund the construction of roads, sewage plants and subways after they were barred from directly issuing bonds under a 1994 budget law. A 4-trillion-yuan stimulus plan during the 2008-09 financial crisis swelled loans to companies, which they have been rolling over or refinancing with new note sales.

LGFVs may hold more than 20 trillion yuan of debt, former Finance Minister Xiang Huaicheng said in April. That’s almost double the figure given by the National Audit Office in 2011. Refinancing will be a challenge after corporate bond sales slumped to a two-year low in the second quarter and policy makers cracked down on shadow banking activities that bypass regulatory limits on lending.

In other words, China is preparing to admit that the level of problem Local Government Financing Vehicle debt is double what was first reported just two years ago, something many suspected but few dared to voice in the open. But not only that: since the likely level of Non-Performing Loans (i.e., bad debt) within the LGFV universe has long been suspected to be in 30% range, a doubling of the official figure will also mean a doubling of the bad debt notional up to a stunning and nose bleeding-inducing $1 trillion, or roughly 15% of China’s goal-seeked GDP! We wish the local banks the best of luck as they scramble to find the hundreds of billions in capital to fill what is about to emerge as the biggest non-Lehman solvency hole in financial history (without the benefit of a Federal Reserve bailout that is).

Of course, now that China has set off on a reform path of active deleveraging, the “disclosures” about the true state of the world’s biggest housing bubble (one that makes even Bernanke green with envy) are about to start coming fast and furious. And since LGFV debt is just one small part of the Chinese debt bubble and accounts for a tiny fraction of total consolidated Debt/GDP (recall that just Chinese corporate debt is the largest relative to the nation’s GDP anywhere in the world), another theme we have covered extensively in the past, most recently here, one can only wonder what other “discoveries” lie in store.


Nico-39For a few suggestions of what else may be uncovered soon, here are some excerpts from Morgan Stanley’s recent report “China Deleveraging: A Bumpy Ride Ahead”:

In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, monetary rather than fiscal policy likely played a bigger role in boosting domestic demand in China. This can be seen by the rise in bank credit to GDP. China’s total outstanding bank credit picked up from 102% of GDP in December 2008 to 133% of GDP in June 2013, thereby boosting domestic demand. Indeed, total outstanding bank credit has increased by US$7.2 trillion over December 2008 to June 2013 (Exhibit 9). Also, the non-loan sources of credit such as wealth management products, trust loans and bonds (total social financing) increased by US$3 trillion over the same period. Though policy makers’ stimulus was targeted at both investment and discretionary consumption by households, a large part of this funding was channeled into investment, with 70% of the loans going towards the corporate sector over this period.


China’s incremental GDP return from leverage has been declining…


Credit-Driven Growth Has Reached Its Limits

Signs abound that the strategy of pursuing growth via credit has reached its limits. Indeed, policy makers are getting concerned about financial stability risks and the misallocation of capital. Some of the key indicators, raising questions about the sustainability of the current trend, are as follows:

               #1: Weakening productivity of incremental credit

The asset quality issue in the banking system is the other side of the coin to the loss in capital productivity that we described earlier. Following the 2008 global financial crisis, there was only a brief period of four quarters in 2011 when nominal GDP growth outpaced credit growth. However, in the past six quarters, loan growth has again been outpacing nominal GDP growth. As of June 2013, nominal GDP growth was 8.0% compared with credit growth of 15.1% YoY (Exhibit 16).


This is a reflection of the weakening productivity of incremental credit in our view. If one instead uses social financing (the broadest possible measure of credit) as the gauge, the divergence with nominal growth is even more concerning. In light of current trends, we believe any attempt to push the overall investment growth engine further will only increase the risk of a deeper and prolonged shock later on as it exacerbates the problem of excess capacity, and the continued buildup of leverage and weak profitability growth weighs further on corporate  balance sheets.

               #2 Interest rates higher than nominal output growth of secondary sector

The nominal benchmark 1-year lending rate at 6% and producer price inflation at -2.7% imply a real borrowing cost of 8.7% for the corporate sector. However, the true cost of borrowing for the corporate sector is likely higher, given that the weighted average lending rate in the banking system was 6.7% in March 2013 and non-banking borrowing would come at an even higher cost. In comparison, real growth in secondary sector output stands at 7.6%YoY in June 2013 (Exhibit 17).


While CPI is typically used to compute real rates, we have used PPI in China because the bulk of the leverage buildup has been predominantly due to corporates and not households. In any case, the conclusion remains unchanged even if we were to compare nominal interest rates with nominal output growth of the secondary sector (Exhibit 18).


The latter now is 5.1%, lower than nominal corporate borrowing costs. A higher interest rate relative to the underlying income growth means that debt is compounding at a much faster pace than underlying income growth and the debt trajectory ultimately becomes unsustainable. This challenge has emerged because nominal GDP growth has decelerated significantly in the last few quarters. On the other hand, policy makers have been hesitant to cut rates owing to concerns about sending the wrong signals to entities that have overinvested. The current real  interest rate environment will likely exacerbate the asset quality issues in the banking system. Indeed, historical episodes of risk aversion in the financial system in both the US and Japan have also taken place when real rates exceeded real GDP growth.

And so we get to the point where one more country has reached the end of the can-kicking road, and is about to kick the only remaining thing it can instead: the hornets’ nest of a truly epic debt bubble.

2)   China’s “Childish” Bond Market Crosses Tipping Point (August 16th)

That China faces a number of serious economic (and potentially social) problems is no surprise and as Guggenheim’s Scott Minerd notes, trying to predict when persistent structural problems will lead to a shock for markets is extremely difficult (as we noted here). However, from a symbiotic collapse in the previously ‘virtuous’ bond-market-to-banking-system relationship, to the drying up of easy credit for all but the largest (and least over-capacity) firms, it appears that China’s private sector leverage has crossed the tipping point that signalled crises in the US, UK, Japan and South Korea. Although the recent data (believe it or not) show signs of stabilization in the Chinese economy, the elevated debt burden should continue to cast doubt over its growth sustainability and the “childish” and non-transparent nature of China’s bond market offers little or no hope for a free market solution.

On China’s “childish” bond market (as we noted here),

(via WSJ),

Worried about a boom in lending by the country’s fast-growing “shadow banks,” China created a cash crunch in June to squeeze their source of funding.

One unintended consequence, though, was a selloff in the country’s $4 trillion bond market.


The selloff – triggered by banks selling bonds to raise cash – bolstered critics of China’s financial system, who point to its bond market as an under recognized risk to the country as it struggles to control surging lending amid a weakening.


               The market trails only the U.S., Japan and France in size,


“China’s bond market is like a child compared to that in other countries,” said Jing Wang, deputy general manager of fixed income at Goldstate Securities Co. which has pared back its holdings of Chinese bonds following the selloff, because it has concerns about near-term volatility and “the lack of transparency in the market” in the long run, he said.


“The goal of developing the bond market is to reduce the dependence on banks for funding, but at the end of the day the risk is back to banks again,”

On China’s real-economy cash crunch and the rising potential for social unrest,

(via NYTimes),

a painful credit crisis is now spreading across Shenmu and cities nearby, as thousands of businesses have closed, fleets of BMWs and Audis have been repossessed and street protests have erupted.

Now the leading purveyors of Western fashions are deserted, monthly sales at restaurants are down as much as 97 percent and the marble entrance to the Fortune Garden Club is shuttered. All but one of the city’s car dealerships have failed.


“It’s an economic crisis just like the United States has had; just like it,” said Wang Ting, an operator of an illegal casino in Fugu, near Shenmu. “There’s no cash, everyone stays home without a job, there’s no way the economy can recover.”

                “Almost no one will give you a loan,” said a construction executive


                “It’s a national problem, it’s not a local issue,” he said.


 Public discontent is fueling street protests. Several thousand residents turned out in mid-July for a demonstration in the expensively paved square across the street from city hall, demanding that municipal officials revive the stalled economy.

China Approaching a Tipping Point?

(via Guggenheim’s Scott Minerd),

The massive build up of leverage in the Chinese financial system continues to represent one of the greatest risks to the world economy, with some estimates putting total Chinese debt at over 200 percent of GDP. China now represents 16 percent of global GDP, and contributed approximately 30 percent of the increase in global GDP in 2012. A crisis in its financial system could have damaging effects on global output and particularly on countries such as Singapore, South Korea, and Australia, which have large export exposure to China. The higher China’s debt levels climb, and the longer the country’s other structural economic issues — such as a consumption/investment imbalance, and an overheating property market — remain unresolved, the more severe the fallout will be should a credit crisis occur.

Trying to predict when persistent structural problems, such as those facing China, will lead to a shock for markets is extremely difficult. The evolution toward a breaking point can take months or years, and equally challenging is predicting how long the crisis could last. Pressure in the United States’ housing market reached its peak in 2006, for instance, but the most significant damage to markets did not occur until 2008. Despite the difficulty in putting a timeframe on a potential sequence of events, we can be certain that the margin of safety for global investments is thin and continues to recede.

For perspective, throughout my career, I have never been through a period of longer than five or so years without encountering a highly damaging financial incident. Mexico’s 1982 economic crisis, the stock market collapse of 1987, the credit crunch of 1989, the bond market collapse in 1994, the Asian financial crisis of 1997-1998, the bursting of the dot-com bubble from 2000 to 2002, and the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis which began unfolding in 2007 and bottomed in 2009 are like the tolling of a bell. As we move further into the second half of 2013 and 2014, it would not be a surprise to hear it toll again…and investors would do well to remember the 17th century words of John Donne, “…never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”


A rapid increase in private sector leverage in a relatively short period of time often presages major financial crises. Historical examples include the collapse of the Japanese property bubble in 1990, the financial crisis in South Korea in 1997, and the most recent crises in the United States, Britain, and the euro zone, which all happened after private sector debt surged to or above 170 percent of GDP. Chinese private sector leverage has reached this significant level. Over the past four years, non-financial private sector debt in China has more than doubled, primarily driven by massive corporate borrowing endorsed by government officials to maintain economic growth rates.

Although the recent data show signs of stabilization in the Chinese economy, the elevated debt burden should continue to cast doubt over its growth sustainability.

3) Big Trouble In Massive China: “The Nation Might Face Credit Losses Of As Much As $3 Trillion (November 19th)

The following chart from Bloomberg showing official Chinese NPL data has its pros and cons.


The pros: it shows that the trend in improving NPLs has dramatically inverted in the past ten quarters and has risen to the highest in at least three years.

The cons: the chart, which again is based on official data, is woefully misrepresenting and underestimating just how profound the bad debt situation is in a country in which each month pseudo-nationalized banks issue loans amounting to the same or more in new liquidity as the Fed and BOJ do combined!

That the Chinese reality “on the ground” is far worse than what is represented was known to Zero Hedge readers over a year ago. For those who may have forgotten, on November 5, 2012 we showed “The Chinese Credit Bubble – Full Frontal” and specifically this chart.


And of course  “The True Chinese Credit Bubble: 240% Of GDP And Soaring” from April:

What is even more concerning is that in order to maintain its breakneck economic “growth” of ~8% per year, China has to continue injecting massive amounts of debt, the so called “credit impulse” or “flow” which according to assorted views, is what is the true driver of an economy, and where GDP growth is merely a reflection of how much credit is entering (or leaving) the system.

The chart below shows that total Chinese social financing flow just hit a record for the month of March.


Completing the picture is the estimated economic response to a surge
in credit. As the last chart shows, in China the biggest benefit to a surge in flow is felt in the quarter immediately following the credit injection, as one would expect, with the effect tapering off and even going negative in future quarters, thus requiring even more debt creation to offset the adverse impacts of prior such injections.


What should become obvious is that in order to maintain its unprecedented (if declining) growth rate, China has to inject ever greater amounts of credit into its economy, amounts which will push its total credit pile ever higher into the stratosphere, until one day it pulls a Europe and finds itself in a situation where there are no further encumberable assets (for secured loans), and where ever-deteriorating cash flows are no longer sufficient to satisfy the interest payments on unsecured debt, leading to what the Chinese government has been desperate to avoid: mass corporate defaults.

But while China’s debt – an arcane mixture of public, private, and pseudo-government backstopped credit – is among the biggest in the world, the one outstanding question was how much longer can China keep sweeping the hundreds of billions if not trillions of discharged, bad loans under the carpet and pretend everything is fine.

Today we get some much needed perspective on this topic courtesy of Bloomberg, which has some very disturbing revelations.

       Such as this:

An unidentified local bank reported a 33 percent nonperforming-loan ratio for the solar-panel industry, compared with 2 percent at the beginning of the year, with the increase due to Wuxi Suntech, China Business News reported in September.

      And this:

China’s lending spree has created a debt burden similar in magnitude to the one that pushed Asian nations into crisis in the late 1990s, according to Fitch Ratings.

As companies take on more debt, the efficiency of credit use has deteriorated. Since 2009, for every yuan of credit issued, China’s GDP grew by an average 0.4 yuan, while the pre-2009 average was 0.8 yuan, according to Mike Werner, a Hong Kong-based analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co.

      And this:

“The real situation is much worse than the data showed” after talking to chief financial officers at industrial manufacturers, said Wendy Tang, a Shanghai-based analyst at Northeast Securities Co., who estimates the actual nonperforming-loan ratio to be as high as 3 percent. “It will take at least one year or longer for these NPLs to appear on banks’ books, and I haven’t seen the bottom of deterioration in Jiangsu and Zhejiang yet.”

      And this:

China’s credit quality started to deteriorate in late 2011 as borrowers took on more debt to serve their obligations amid a slowing economy and weaker income. Interest owed by borrowers rose to an estimated 12.5 percent of China’s economy from 7 percent in 2008, Fitch Ratings estimated in September. By the end of 2017, it may climb to as much as 22 percent and “ultimately overwhelm borrowers.”

Meanwhile, China’s total credit will be pushed to almost 250 percent of gross domestic product by then, almost double the 130 percent of 2008, according to Fitch.

      And this:

Based on current valuations, investors are pricing in a scenario where nonperforming loans at the largest Chinese banks will make up more than 15 percent of their loan books, according to Werner, who forecasts a 2.5 percent to 3.5 percent bad-loan ratio by the end of 2015. A further decline in GDP growth would lead to more soured loans and weaker earnings, he said.

Lenders so far haven’t reported significant deterioration in loan quality. Bank of China said it had 251.3 billion yuan of loans to industries suffering from overcapacity as of the end of June, accounting for 3 percent of the total. Its nonperforming-loan ratio for those businesses stood at 0.93 percent, the same level reported for the entire bank.

All of the above is driven by one main factor – a relentless desire to fund China’s epic scramble into record overcapacity – after all got to keep that goalseeked GDP above 7% somehow – which in turn has resulted in the producers competing themselves right out of solvency:

Shipbuilding isn’t the only industry affected by overcapacity. Also in Jiangsu, about 130 kilometers (80 miles) southwest of Nantong, Wuxi Suntech Power Co., the main unit of the industry’s once-biggest supplier, went bankrupt with 9 billion yuan of debt to China’s largest banks, according to a Nov. 12 report by Communist Party-owned Legal Daily. Suntech Power Holdings Co. (STPFQ), the parent firm, defaulted on $541 million of offshore bonds to Wall Street investors.


Shang Fulin, China’s top banking regulator, this month urged lenders to “seek channels to clean up bad loans by industries with overcapacity to prevent new risks from brewing” and refrain from dragging their feet in dealing with the issue.


Government and banks’ support for the solar industry since late 2008 has resulted in at least one factory producing sun-powered products in half of China’s 600 cities, according to the China Renewable Energy Society in Beijing. China Development Bank, the world’s largest policy lender, alone lent more than 50 billion yuan to solar-panel makers as of August 2012, data from the China Banking Association showed.

China accounts for seven of every 10 solar panels produced worldwide. If they ran at full speed, the factories could produce 49 gigawatts of solar panels a year, 10 times more than in 2008, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Overcapacity has driven down prices to about 84 cents a watt, compared with $2 at the end of 2010. The slump forced dozens of producers like Wuxi Suntech into bankruptcy.

The downside is well-known: should the people not get paid, riots inevitably ensue. This is why the government will keep on bailing out and pretending the local loans are viable, until it no longer can.

“The central government is hawkish in its tone, but when it comes to execution by local governments, the enforcement will be much softer,” Bank of Communications’ Lian said. “Many of these firms are major job providers and taxpayers, so the local government will try all means to save them and help them repay bank loans.”

When hundreds of unpaid Mingde Heavy workers took to the streets for a second time last November, the local government stepped in by lining up other firms to vouch for Mingde so banks would renew its loans. Mingde Heavy avoided failure by entering into an alliance with a shipping unit of government-controlled Jiangsu Sainty Corp., which also imports and exports apparel.

As for the CNY64 trillion question of how much long the government can pretend all is well, the following may be useful.

The nation might face credit losses of as much as $3 trillion as defaults ensue from the expansion of the past four years, particularly by non-bank lenders such as trusts, exceeding that seen prior to other credit crises, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. estimated in August.

In summary: enjoy the relative calm we currently have thanks to Bernanke’s, Kuroda’s (and soon: Draghi’s) epic liquidity tsunami which is rising all leaking boats. The invoice amounting to trillions in bad and non-performing loans around the entire world, and not just in China, is in the mail.


Krisis kredit Juni lalu merupakan tanda besar awal bahwa kredit macet trilyunan dolar Cina tidak bisa lagi disembunyikan.

Kredit macet (NPLs) Cina sungguh mengerikan dan terus meningkat setiap hari.

Kenyataan ini tidak dapat disembunyikan lagi karena sudah muncul ke atas permukaan.

Cina kini mengalami krisis kredit yang sangat serius, mirip dengan krisis AS 2007 yang memicu krisis keuangan global. Siapa pun yang berharap perbaikan di perekonomian Cina akan sia-sia.

Ini memang bukan berarti roda perekonomian Cina akan jatuh.

Apa yang akan terjadi adalah seberapa jauh model pertumbuhan Cina tersebut akan mengandalkan kredit (pinjaman).

Seluruh pencapaiannya yang mudah sudah dilewati, kini pencapaian yang akan diraihnya adalah yang lebih sulit.


Terima kasih sudah membaca dan semoga beruntung.

Dibuat Tanggal 25 November 2013